Students sue Texas school district for banning long hair on boys

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I had long hair in junior high and high school, never had any issues with it 30 years ago when I was in school where I live. I would say that they are wwwwwwaaaaaaayyyyyy behind the times.

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Why doesn’t the BBC worry about their own dirty laundry

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My brother went to a private high school here where long hair was banned. Maybe it happens more in private schools?

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Are you against long hair on men?

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I’m against foreign media covering American problems.

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Yea its UK, idk it was in my newsfeed.

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I see. Why does the United Kingdom give a â– â– â– â–  about Texas anyway?

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“Get a haircut hippie.” Boy, I heard that a lot as a kid when I had long hair. I wouldn’t want long hair now, short hair is way easier to take care of.


I had a Jew fro in middle school and while playing a basketball game an opposing parent yelled at me to get a haircut. Lol.


I had an earring in one ear and was told by a manager at major supermarket for who I worked to take it out because studs were allowed but sleepers weren’t for males. I successfully argued that if females could wear them then so could I. I also had long hair! I was like 16 but it was a win and I wore that sleeper proudly!


That’s insane. Are you really suggesting that media outlets should only cover the problems in their own country? I’m not sure you’re aware of the enormity of what you just said.


That’s like nationalistic censorship though.

American news outlets have a very narrow scope when it comes to the news; rarely, if ever, are we exposed to international happenings unless it involves our country.

It’s always refreshing gaining new perspectives by reading, listening to, or watching news through a different lens.

…Broadens horizons that quite frankly could use broadening these days.


Calm down. The BBC covers the entire world’s problems. This isn’t an anti US thing.

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I am a nationalist.

But I do drive a Toyota because I find American cars a maintenance nightmare.

Other than that I’m pretty good.

Check out this rug I bought made in Rhode Island.

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I had long hair in high school too,so did some of my friends. It didn’t make me a bad person, I had a job, graduated as an Ontario Scholar and was accepted into one of the best Universities in the country. It was just a stage I went through cause I was into rock and metal. But there were people that treated me poorly, probably the same type of people making this stupid rule, after I cut my hair and it was neat and tidy I got treated with more respect by some people.

Long hair on boys is not a big deal. This is a dumb rule.


Here in Canada we are inundated with American media and their news is usually American centric. We have some Canadian news stations that are a little more worldly.

This is one of the reasons I use Facebook. I follow news organizations from all over the world so I get to know what is going on around the world and get a wider perspective on the issues.

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