Stem Cell treatment can be an actual cure for schizophrenia.

Iv been looking into stem cell as a means of fixing the damage in my brain caused by abusing solvents but it seems to be effective for schizophrenia also, if anyone is interested maybe try looking for clinical trials offering the treatment and maybe post here, sorry I’m unable to post the link but you will find plenty of you google it.

Hells no. Too much they don’t know about it. I’ll let someone else be a guinea pig for that.

I can’t post the link but it’s been hailed as an actual cure whereas every other medication is just management, there’s loads of info of you google it, also found an article about a research group from the university of Glasgow who found a cure for schizophrenia using a nuero peptide, Iv been like this for 20s years, I want the cure not just management, it’s almost impossible for me to think clearly, research treatments, that’s part of the condition, if anyone else can help and for themselves as well it would be greatly appreciated.

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Good results

I have never found that they have ever tried this on humans just mice and rats.

Damn, no human trials?, sorry I’m not on the ball, I’m sure it’s going for human trials at some stage, I’d love to get in on a research trial, Iv already contacted a few, they already use stem cells to treat damaged cells in the brain so should apply to schizophrenia also.

I think I found an article that said that they had successfully completed the stem cell transplant for someone who had Parkinson’s but not schizophrenia this was on a human

I think I read about stem cell clinics prescribing it for Sz, I’d pay the money for the treatment, I’d do anything to get rid of this.

Don’t pay a shady clinic, you won’t have any idea of what you’re getting. If you get transplants of your own cells, they will still have whatever genetic defects that led to schizophrenia. If you get transplants of someone elses cells, you have to take anti-rejection meds.

They are working on that problem, there’s a company working on stem cells with the HLA tags removed - the part that tags it as foreign to your body. They’re also working on banks of typed cells.

Anyway, wait til there is a legitimate trial at a research hospital or university.

Twinkle how could I find a clinical trial?, I tried searching, emailed a few places, my focus and concentration is gone to crap cuz I’m not well, I don’t have schizophrenia in my genes I got it from solvent abuse, your right there are shady clinics out there must be careful.

There aren’t any clinical trials for stem cell transplantation in schizophrenia.

I suppose you could email the researchers that have published studies on cell therapy in mice and rats and ask if they can let you know when and if a trial on humans may happen. lists clinical trials all over the world. You can search on schizophrenia and recruiting trials.

Thank you twinkle contacting the researchers makes sense, I already looked through gov trials, one study in Korea with stem cell schizophrenia but it wasn’t for treatment.

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I have an old high school friend going through the treatment currently for ALS (Lou Gherig’s disease). He’s a human

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Iv ordered NSI 189 online today, stem cell is far too out of reach, I hope it can repair the damage in my brain caused by huffing solvents, it regenerates the brain, currently going through trials to treat depression and soon for schizophrenia so should be perfect for me, I even read about a member on here who had a positive experience with it.

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