Staying on the forum: please help me with my company logo, pleaaase

Can anybody help me remove the top “the” in this AI generated company logo please ?


I asked AI to remove it; and he changed the photo completely and sent something blurry back lol

So first you were gonna bail on us now u want us to work for you for free on yo logos sonnn?

Bruhhhhhhhhhh :sweat_smile:

Welcome back homie :raising_hands:

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I knew someone was going to say this homie, I realised it when I looked at how I worded the post but the truth is - I don’t think I can live without being apart of this forums community - it’s too isolating


Oh its all good mate. Glad your back. I did the same before too. And i realised the forum is a good support space.


Im glad I realised because the person I was talking to; she kinda isn’t available all the time and so I was like damn. I really do rely on this forum a lot more than I give to it and I felt embarrassed with myself for thinking it would hinder my studies

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Welcome back @MisterApple

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Great work :clap::+1: 747473

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Looks great and glad you’re sticking around

You would have been missed!

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hey man i can make you a custom logo for free. i have experience with it. let me know what colours and any ideas you have.

Glad you’re back bro…




@shutterbug thank you very much

You’re welcome. Got to warn you, that AI generated logo uses a lot of tone and colour gradients making it nightmarish for use as a biz logo. You’re better off going with the style of logos @POET is thowing together as you’ll have fewer headaches with them in the long run.

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I see, got ya. I have a different main logo it’s much simpler without all the dazzle which I have been using. Thank you for the heads up !

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Thank you for sticking around! You’re an important part of a complete breakfast.



You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.