Starting anti depressant soon

I’m not sure if it’s depression or negative symptoms. I have yet to speak to the psychiatrist but my nurse wants to start an anti depressant. I have not been eating or cooking properly for quite some time lost weight and having issues with concentration and activities like not showering as much or brushing teeth as much.

I don’t feel down. I’m able to take care of my dog and walk her. I’m not crying. It’s just doing tasks. It is as though I’m lazy.

I don’t have lack of appetite. It’s as though I have lost the ability to cook. This started when I came off qutiapine and started invega. But invega works much better for my delusions than qutiapine did.

It seems qutiapine must have got me doing things more.

Hopefully there is something that can be done and a medication will work.


I hope the medicine helps. I take 50mg of zoloft each day and I’m pretty sure it’s helping some.


Best of luck @Qwerty!

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