Does anyone here use Spotify? If so, what’s your Spotify Wrapped stats for this year?? Mine is below
I don’t like Spotify I recently added iHeart to my phone.
I prefer it.
I just installed it. I usually use youtube music as I can save videos on youtube as music only so can find pretty much every song on youtube.
I mostly listen to French music, sometimes English, sometimes Spanish Reggaeton.
I use YouTube also @Aziz
Lol Crazy by Gnarls Barkley was my top song figures.
Do you have to be on premium to get it?
I’m not sure, I think so
I’m not on premium and I got it.
I wish I had 5G.
I have 5G, and I have yet to be somewhere where it has good service!
I don’t have Spotify. I use Pandora, because it introduces me to artists I may never have heard of, without my having to look to find them.
I thought my minutes listened was impressive !
I’m a music fiend. It’s a PROBLEM
I aspire to listen to music that much, I am lacking
It helped that I had a job early this year where I could listen to music my whole shift