Some guys look better with facial hair, and im one of them

i look like crap without facial hair, i think i look like steve bartman with my ballcap on and a clean shaven face. if anyone remembers him, sports fans. my beard is starting to come back and i look ok again after shaving last week, and a little stubble makes a big difference in my appearance.


Personally I think all men should grow their beards haha…I also think women shouldn’t have to shave …it’s natural and a mark of distinction in my thinking…like a lions mane

At the risk of sounding like a simp haha I feel like women are expected to be so painted and plucked that it’s silly. I actually tell my girllfriend I’d rather she not wear makeup and i honestly couldn’t complain if she has leg hair etc it’s all natural


I look like a thumb without facial hair

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Yeah, I think I look better with facial hair too.

I don’t’ have a full beard, just a goatee. I have an electric razor that I use to shave my cheeks, but it has a clip that attaches to it that trims my goatee to the length that I like it at.

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I think I look best with a 7-day Scruff. I usually shave my face with shears, but then don’t finish the job with a razor. Too lazy to be honest. Feels natural, and I think it looks great


I think I look better with some stubble but I tend to let it grow out more than I really want it because I’m lazy :stuck_out_tongue: .

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I wonder what I would look like shaved it’s been like 7 years now lol I think it looks nice and clean shaven but I like my beard too much haha


I was once told thank god I shaved - it was a disaster unshaven. But I want to try growing facial hair again anyways. It always gets annoying after a while. But its part of my natural look and may even be attractive to woman (I don’t know). I want to feel better with it but its not happening, I always feel not clean.


I keep my face stubbled, I’m also growing a mustache.


Hey man, whatever works for you. I had a goatee for years, but the hair on my face is going Gray so I don’t like the look anymore. My buddy used to dye his beard, but I used to bug him about that all the time. LOL


Haha hey grey hairs are a sign of authority man like a silver back gorilla. I don’t think I’ll ever dye my hair but the story may change as I age haha


How old are you now, if you don’t mind my asking @POET ?


30 years old 6636363652


Oh man, you’ve got the World by the balls my friend!! Live well, don’t waste any time waiting to live


Thanks for the encouragement man trying my best here, it’s difficult with all these voices haha


I know what you mean. I have two voices, pretty much from when my feet hit the floor in the morning, till I close my eyes at night. It can be challenging at times.

All I can say, is make some good memories now, it will stay with you for a lifetime. I spent my late twenties and early thirties in building a career for myself. It forced me to give up a lot of social time. I don’t regret it, but I realized I missed an important chunk of my life


I see hmm. … so that’s your advice for someone in their 30s I appreciate the help it’s always good to get help from someone who’s already walked the path


Currently growing a scraggly beard, and it’s looking super Amish, like always lol


I guess so. I hope I didn’t sound too preachy, it’s just I like to see people succeed, and I mis-took achievement for Success. There’s so much more, as you seem to know already


No I appreciate all the help I can get man, any words of wisdom you can give me I appreciate…i guess in life every age you go through a “stage” the I don’t know what’s next lol would be great to know haha :laughing: