Some good news

I should hopefully be discharged on Monday.

Spent over 4 months detained under the mental health act.

It should have been 2 months or less but I got stuck on a PICU ward as there were no beds available on acute wards in my local area.

Once again I’m coming off meds when I’m out; I need high testosterone.

My illness is sleep related. Insomnia induced psychosis.

So if I manage my sleep I should be Ok.

If I ever become unwell again I might be able to catch it before it’s too late.

I’m asymptomatic again and in remission.

Hope everyone else is doing OK.


Bro are you sure you can be off meds?

What are your t leveles atm?


Not too sure on t levels ATM but I was 330 back in Jan I think. The highest I’ve seen in 7 years.

Rn I must be sub 200ng/dl. I need blood work done when I get home.

The meds aren’t doing anything as I have no symptoms so I should be fine thanks.

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Have you thought about trt?

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PICU sucks… Very chaotic on the ward last time I was sectioned in PICU.

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If you truly have schizophrenia then I would strongly suggest not to come off your meds.
This practice seems to be trending here as of late

Not a smart idea


I have but I don’t want my testes to shrink.

I was also thinking of doing it and then tapering off to see if my natural T levels return to normal. I was thinking androgel and not the pin.

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I don’t have constant symptoms though; my illness remits and relapses, as does my insomnia episodes.

I think I have to just manage my sleep.

Okay keep in mind that your t is somewhat low… u would qualify for it I think.

I would investigate gel vs shot, but I think nowadays shot is better.

If you go off meds by your part without a pdoc, even of you are stable now, you will fall again. Prob in less that 2 month. That is more brain damage and more sedating meds. Keep thst in mind

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I did 11 months no meds in July 2022- June 2023

but insomnia occurred

and then delusions

then section

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Forgot to mention that I suspect my insomnia over the years and psychotic episodes could be related to chronically low testosterone.

It’s not entirely implausible…

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You see? I also did 8 or 9 months no meds.

Why exactly do you want to quit meds? I don’t believe your t is gonna magically rise up if u quit…

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Want to quit cos too many side effects; low T; hyperlipidaemia, risk of metabolic syndrome (I’m obese with muscle), and of course the sexual dysfunction… I want a girlfriend, or to get married, and I crave a sex life again.

Also I don’t believe there is a chemical imbalance in my brain. Why do my dopamine receptors need blocking? Nobody; not even a scientist can prove d2 hyperactivity in any given person.

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Idk man. They do work. You do you ofc.

But you can medicate for low t, sex drive issues etc.

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I’m gonna risk it. As long as I stay symptomless.

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