So what did u manage to do today?

Signed up for three online classes.

  1. Introduction To Drinking water. :fountain:
  2. Water Basics :potable_water:
  3. Microsoft Word 2010. :computer:

Gave my great dane a bath this morning. This afternoon Yosemite and I went to the nursing home for are weekly visit. Watch tv and surfed the internet the rest of the day.

Peace be with you Ridgerunner

I started repotting a plant while the maids were here. The roots are all bound into the soil. I’m going to clean up + finish tomorrow. The landlord came by and I finally asked him if I could have the small plot of ground in front of my porch. He said yes. I’m going to put some planks across some blocks. Hooray.

Today i felt motivated to do some chores, mostly took care of my animals even though its in the single digits out i still have to take the dogs out. i took a shower which surprised me since sometimes i get paranoid about stepping into my shower since its so small and i start to feel cramped.

Made my kid sis oatmeal from scratch… no packet stuff
Went to work
Already finished my on-line english essay and turned it in.
Went of a late afternoon swim

I used the telephone. Yes, I called out. I made a call to a friend. We’re meeting up on Monday for lunch. I usually can never get myself to call out. I don’t know why it’s such a deal for me.

Waxed my board for this weekend and I am HOPING the surf report is good.


Woke up early this morning for a medical appointment. Went to work and told my manager some business ideas. Cooked myself something for dinner. Washed everything. Chatted a little bit with my aunt, who is watching TV at my home. A huge breakthrough. Looked at some job ads and will send some letters. Today I remain awake better than yesterday.


I am so glad to hear that you are eating and able talk to your family. Good luck looking for the new job. What do you have in mind for a new job.

I’m looking for executive officer / assistant position in uni or other tertiary institute.

With my qualifications, I can go for psychologist / student counsellor, but I don’t feel comfortable doing that right now. Often feel too sleepy.

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Those are really good jobs. I bet you’ll get there soon. I have a feeling that you would love to be a student counsellor. You have the knowledge and you care about people. I have a feeling it would be less stressful then then market.

As a counsellor you are helping one person at a time. But in the market it sounded like you were helping 10 people at a time.

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Hey, I learn that u re doing everything at home! :+1:

I still lean on my bed a lot of time. I hope one day I could stay awake in the morning. :smiley:

I was. I would go to work, come home go right back to bed, and sit there until it was time to go back out again. I’m better now and I don’t stay in bed as often. I get better meds and this winter I tried light therapy. That really helped my energy levels.

It sounds like a big step for me if I apply for student counsellor. I don’t know how to slowly get myself able to do it.

I’m not sure how to become a student councilor either. But you have the qualifications. I know the sleepy part can get a bit overwhelming. Have you had a chance to talk to a doctor about this?

doing virtually nothing today but waiting in for the gas man to fix my leaky radiator. so can’t leave the house till it’s done. took my son to school and daughter to a vocational job. both will b making their own way home today depending on what time the engineer gets here. so don’t know if i’ll b taking the dogs to the woods or not yet. maybe going over to my mum’s for a roast belly pork dinner or not or cooking potato, cream, bacon and garlic bake for myself and kids. all depends on what time this bloody man arrives and how long it takes. can’t even get in the shower till he’s gone…grrrr

I see, light therapy. I am not familiar with that. Either bedtime or work time. That’s almost what I have been doing. If no work, I lie on bed til afternoon.

I see a pdoc today, and yes I do told her I’m too drowsy. She is not trying to adjust my med. I think it appears normal to her with my diagnosis.

I intend to add some exercise to my daily routine. let’s see if a morning walk could give me more energy.

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Enjoy your surfing trip!

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I bet a walk will help with some of that tiredness. How well do you sleep at night?

Today went and saw my psych , went to the shops and back home again
am now hanging about online

I sleep long hours. Usually 12, sometimes even 14. Sometimes I was still dreaming when I am half awake. Some of my dreams are really weird.

The manager asked why I often look so drowy!

Absolutely nada. Went to my mum’s for dinner as I have a cold and felt terrible so I coukdnt b arsed to cook. The house looks like a bombsite and I am indire need of a shower or bath. My bed is filthy and needs changing and iI feel too ill to do it. It’s been a ■■■■ day today. But somebody somewhere has it worse than me so I’m still lucky in the great scheme of things I guess. Tomorrow we’re going to the DIY shop as my daughter wants to decorate her room so we need paint and flooring. So gotta perk myself up before then and get in the shower. Can’t go out looking like this can I. So roll on tomorrow and hopefully I’ll feel a little better.

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