So it became true Trump vs Clinton

I actually prefer Trump winning, becomes a more interesting world.

Oh god no.



God help the world if Trump is elected.


If Trump is elected the Democrats will rally and make sure congress has a decisive Democratic majority in the congressional elections, just like the Republicans will rally if Hillary is elected. It’s called the system of checks and balances. It might make for gridlock among our law makers, but it keeps anything extreme from happening.


Actually I think Trump’s own party may block some of his more radical ideas. There’s a lot of Republicans who use cheap labor from Mexico or other countries and wouldn’t want high tariffs. Some of his other ideas would likely be too considered too radical to succeed. Of course he may abandon or water down his more radical ideas to please the Congress, or go on his own agenda and pretend he never made those promises. I think his personality will get him elected because he can put on a show and like the original showman PT Barnum he knows a sucker is born every minute.

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I would rather have Trump because I hate both of them, but think about it. If Hillary wins, she’d be our first female president. Are we really going to let that happen? Our first female president should be a strong, smart, capable woman. NOT Hillary Clinton. Having Hillary as our first female president would be a shameful stain on all of the progress we’ve made over the years. A female president would be great, but only if she’s a president we can be proud of. At least if Trump gets elected there’s nothing ground breaking about it. Other than the fact that he’s a businessman and not a politician.

Trump is in it to get Hillary elected. Trumps campaign is a joke and only draws attention because of how absurd his ideas are. thank you cnn for helping the trump campaign. Hillary wins.

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I vote for Hillary Clinton…
she has to win…
1 vote from my side…to …Clinton…:+1:

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I just read an interesting article about one of Trump’s businesses online.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fan of Clinton, but after reading articles like this, I won’t be voting for Trump.

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Ur Vote counts…

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If you are from the United States care more about the Congressional elections. If either party gets a veto proof majority the person who is President won’t really matter much.

I’m going to get my hair cut like Trump. I’m going to my Barber and asking for ‘The Onion Loaf’.


Hillary will defeat Trump and I am so relieved that she finally gets a chance to run as the democratic nomination. Now we are getting somewhere.

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Trump’s a douche , what if he wants to force medicate you next time a schiz kills a dozen people?

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Folks - lets try to avoid political discussions - probably doesn’t lower our stress levels and unlikely to result in much good.