So.... I saw my pdoc today

I told her about my increased symptoms: thought broadcasting, telepathy, and paranoid delusions. She asked if I was experiencing voices and I answered yes that they were louder and clearer. She asked if I was smelling things? I said yes. Seeing things? I said no.

My pdoc has been very concerned about some tremor and involuntary movement issues that I’ve developed recently that she says are as a result of the Risperdal AP I am taking. So, she lowered it from 4 mg to 3 mg every night, and she increased the Seroquel from 50 mg to 100 mg every night.

Hopefully all this will solve all the problems.


Good luck @SkinnyMe
Sounds like a good plan :+1:


I hope it works for you, i was on risperidone & i hated it, i hope it works out.


Tinkering for better function is good sometimes and sounds like your doctor is on top of it. Maybe check in a bit more frequently especially if your feeling your function is compromised.

I’m doing really well lately but still see doc every 6 weeks. He doesn’t take any new patients and hasn’t for years so with an in demand doc you just got to book ahead in case you come unstuck. Such a shitty system out here but small price to pay.

Check in regularly is good longterm!


My pdoc told me, when I saw her, that she won’t be seeing me anymore because one of the staff pdocs is leaving and she has to take over his caseload. I chose to stay with the Veterans system and be seen through telehealth at the VA clinic. My pdoc is a VA doctor. @roguetwo


I feel and think you need help outside the VA… They don’t do very well, I hear. I will hope and pray you get better soon @SkinnyMe

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@DragonStorm, In my extended, 30 plus years experience with the VA in three states, I have had nothing but superb care from VA doctors in VA hospitals, in all specialties. VA doctors work both in VA clinics and outside the VA in the larger community. I have full confidence in my care.


I thought that info might be from fake news I was reading then. My appologies, and thank you for your service.


Good job telling her everything. I hope the changes help.

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I too have had nothing but good things to say about the VA system. :mouse::mouse::mouse:

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You are welcome. Thankyou.



I really hope that these changes will solve all your struggles! I do believe that these changes sound like a wise and well thought out plan. Keep a close eye on your symptoms and reach out to your dr if things get worse of course.

Wishing you all the best!!


Skinny I hope you’ll be alright. You see I’m in the process of getting of the Seroquel and I’m now down to 400 mg of qutiapine.

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I hope you’ll be ok @Ghosts .

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Well, I led my meeting yesterday and I had some telepathy but it wasn’t too terribly bad. I was able to keep a lid on it. I think the new medication regimen might be working.


I notice the voices seem to be a bit quieter.


How long have u been dealing with the thought broadcasting/ telepathy? It’s been 3 years for me and it’s horrible when it’s bad. I read your reply about AP being the most important thing but have u found other effective ways of dealing with the negative feeling and confusion it causes ?

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The way I deal with it is I look downwards and avoid eyeballs.

I’ve been dealing with it for at least 40 years but probably all my life. I’m 63. I remember it starting at age 6.

Seems rational. I’m honestly sorry you’ve been going through sz for as long as you have. I hope you’ve found some peace later in life :pray:t5:

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Btw … I read you were a nurse before your illness. That’s awesome… Must take a lot of compassion :revolving_hearts:

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