Skunked. Mistakes made

Around midnight my old dog had to go outside.

I let both of them out the bedroom door into the backyard and met them around the other door in the mancave.

We do the same routine every time.

Anyway, I see Lilly just run in the house fine,

Sesame is wet, his eyes are shut, he’s foaming at the mouth, he’s shaking and then the just horrible scent hit me hard.

I immediately shut the door.

Got some gloves on and rinsed him off.

Mostly go get it out of his eyes and mouth.

I checked him for bites or scratches.

It seems he didn’t get close enough for a fight.

But he got sprayed.


This has never happened before so I had no idea what to do.

After I rinsed him and dried him off with a towel I’m willing to part with,

He ran in the house.

I forgot to shut the door.

Ran in just in time to see him rubbing his body all over the couch.

And the loveseat.

Managed to get him wrapped in a blanket (also can be thrown away),

He’s drying off and sleeping.

The internet says the best thing to do is put this mixture of peroxide, baking soda and dish soap on them when their dry, let it sit for a little bit, rinse, repeat.

I don’t have any peroxide so I’m waiting for the stores to open.

My house stinks to high hell.

The dog is resting, but he smells just awful.

It’s like a nightmare.

I can maybe get the stink off the dog with this mixture,

But the couch and loveseat are trash.

I’m so upset with myself for leaving the door open.

Should be an interesting day.


We had a skunk living under the neighbors house for a while. When I still had my dog I was always on guard because of it. I feel for you it sounds bad

Ooof, what a situation.

There was this urban legend floating around back in the day that said to wash a skunked pup in tomato juice, and that would get rid of the smell.

I dunno just how true that is, but I guess when the smell is that strong some folks will try just about anything.

Hope Sesame and your couches smell better soon :+1:

Man that’s highly unfortunate. Glad your pup wasn’t hurt.

You’ll have to air your place out for a few days to get the stink out. If the smell is really driving you crazy, you can also try Ozium spray. That stuff works really well. But it is toxic to the mucous membranes while wet so I suggest wearing glasses and a surgical mask so it doesn’t get in your eyes nose or mouth. And putting the dogs outside while you spray. Should be able to go back into the room after 15 minutes with no more smell. Stuff works like a charm if you’re willing to use it.

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Managed to get most the stink off my dog.

But it took a lot of effort and dog trauma.

Now literally everything in my house stinks.

I mean everything.

Both my couches are trash.

I have to get them out of the house today.

I’ll just have to sit on the floor for a couple weeks.

At least it won’t smell.


Oh no! I feel so bad for you! Hopefully your husband is understanding. It was an honest mistake. Ugh! I can’t even imagine.

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oh ■■■■…man, that’s too bad…sorry.

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This happened to my dog when I was like 8. We had to throw out most of the furniture, all the carpets, and a bunch of our clothes. We had to live at my grandma’s house for about a week.

Sorry you have to deal with this. Hydrogen peroxide is a fantastic way to remove the smell, but it can ruin the colors on some stuff. Anything with stuffing is probably not salvageable.


Skunks eat slugs and snails they’re fn gross

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Omg. So glad we don’t get skunks here. My dog does roll in badger poo though

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When I lived in an old farm house a skunk sprayed right outside my window and the odors got on me. I smelled bad for a week even after multiple showers. Went to work that way. It sucked.


@ThePickinSkunk man, so sorry…no one told you about the antedote of peroxide and whatever they just said?


Wiped every surface in the house with vinegar,

Threw away the couch covers and and put new ones on.

I have little bowls of vinegar in every room and am boiling some on the stove.

Thank gods he was only able to rub himself on a few places.

It smells weird in here, but not near as offensive as it was.

I’ve sniffed my dog and he’s like 90% okay.

I was going to do the wash again, but I read if they get sprayed right in the face, which he did, it’s impossible to get out of their ears and they’re just going to smell funny for a few weeks.

So much to look forward to.


man, sounds like a lot of work…good job…sorry.

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