Sick as a dog

No I did not get the latest booster


How do you two feel today @Wave ?

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Hi @Wave . I’m sure you will be fine. I am thinking of you and know how good of a person you are. You are a kind gentle soul and deserve to feel well.


Thank you so much @Bowens!

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I’m feeling better today than yesterday but I still have an on off fever @LilyoftheValley


I’m glad you’re at least improving :slight_smile:

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Thanks @LilyoftheValley :slightly_smiling_face: 1555

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Now I’m actually getting worse
My fever spiked pretty high and although my oxygen is within normal levels it dropped a bit
I’m now getting chest congestion


That sucks @Wave . I didn’t see your post until just now. How are you doing now? You ok?

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I’m doing better after taking Tylenol but still feeling sick.
I hear that Covid symptoms could last many weeks!
This would be just awful!


Wishing you all the best. How is your dad?

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I’m glad Tylenol helps. And yeah, there’s also such a thing as long Covid. Not fun. My Aunt and husband have it. My aunt has it really bad. It’s awful

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My dad has no fever and his oxygen levels are normal now.
He’s doing much better now

Thanks for asking @el_Jimbobbio


I hope you continue to feel better quickly. Think of this as a good opportunity to get rest and pamper yourself. I’m glad to hear that your dad is doing well. Soon both of you will be fully recovered.


Thanks @Moonbeam


Hold on buddy…
It will stop.I’m glad your father is ok.
I haven’t been lately on forum,but you can pm me any time :slightly_smiling_face::v::brown_heart:

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Thanks @zoa 151515

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Being sick is the pits. Feel better soon, @Wave.

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Thanks @Happy_H

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yes, it can be I had covid once and hope to never get it ever again had fever chills and sore throat and stuffy and runny nose but worse than a cold.

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