Covid is making my

Joints hurt. I tried ibuprofen but it only helped a little. So I just took Tylenol so hopefully that helps. I don’t have a fever which makes it extra strange. I just have body pain, fatigue and headache


I still have my sore throat and fatigue, and I’m on day 11 of symptoms. In the last few days everything started tasting the same.

Got sick a day after getting my booster. Really ticked off about it lol, I know the booster didn’t make me sick but I’m pretty sure someone in that waiting room exposed me to it, and then I went out to dinner and spread it to everyone else including my youngest brother, before my symptoms got bad. Now we all have it.


Oh man. We had a family party and we all got sick even though we were all vaccinated. However, none of us have breathing problems so that’s good


I hope you feel better soon

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The feeling is mutual! Here’s to a healthier tomorrow, it’s easy to forget what healthy feels like when you’re sick in bed! :cold_face:


So true @agent101g i hope you’re feeling better tomorrow

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I am sorry to hear that you got sick! I hope your case is mild and you recover soon @LilyoftheValley!


Thanks @anon97859349

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