Should i try world of warcraft?

Should i try it? I played lineage 2, guild wars 2, Runescape 3. Is WOW any good nowadays?

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When I have these type of questions I ask my voices but I know I shouldn’t.

It can be addictive, but you probably already knew that.

WoW is an older game now, I played it back in 2004 for a few years, but on the upside there is a lot of content at this point.

If you like GW2 you might like WoW. It’s really nothing like old school MMOs like L2 or RS.

WoW has some weird hybrid of vertical and horizontal progression where your progression is basically wiped with every expansion. I don’t really think it’s a good game. Levelling to max is fun and max level is fun for a short while. But that doesn’t take long and is only fun once. It’s not worth the money.

If you’re an MMO fan then WoW will probably be underwhelming. It mostly appeals to people who haven’t played a lot of MMOs.

I played until Burning Crusade, I tried WoW Classic for a couple of months. It’s alright, holds up fairly well for an older game. It didn’t catch my attention so much. I guess if you find a good guild being part of a small community is what makes that game more fun. I really enjoyed the PvP back in the day. Didn’t try it in the Classic server.

Get starcraft lol

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I was big into Brood War in the early 2000’s haha never got into SC2

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Lol same that games so sick oh man never gets old… not really a gamer but love s.c.

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I think it’s a great time to start playing wow. Leveling is pretty quick and easy.

Their number of subscribers is way down. Lot of people are complaining that the game is in decline.

Try it for yourself and see, though. You can play for free up to level 20 :grinning:

I was addicted. I made lots of friends. It’s a very social game. No other MMORPG comes close. The graphics are very out of date IMO. But if there are cool people playing now, it’s really fun raiding. But this was before when my symptoms were’nt so bad. I’m trying to get back into gaming. I got an XBOX and playing overwatch off and on. I say try it. See if you like it. Raiding was a blast.

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