Should i stick to sfV or start wow?

i can try sfv to play 1 hour a day. limit my time to 1 hour but i will play everyday, and maybe i can get better or should i play 1 hour a day wow ?

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Wow :laughing: I can help you get started

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i feel i am terrible player in sfv so be in wow. wow is very long game like big book. sfv is against other players labbing characters gaining skill

why wow whats the rewards for playing long investing time.?

can you customise your character in wow ?

The reward is gear mostly. But there are competitions for PvE and PvP, i´m a pvp player mostly

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in sfv you can become best player in the world and win tourneys

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yeah you got transmogrification, you can put the clothes you want and appear how you want

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yes but what about skills, i mean human skill do you need in wow

what about strenghts damage attack speed and other critical do you need to build somehow your char

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wow is a lot about game knowledge. Because you got idk… 50 useful skills? Then reaction is not that important but knowing.

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you got casters, mele dps, ranged dps and healers basically

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so how do you know which skill to use ?

you watch videos on youtube and guides. And you get experience. You can try for free in a private server

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hmm interesting, can i become best wow player in the world? which realm to choose

You can, but it´s a teamwork game. You can be in the best team in the world. I would suggest you a private server to try. I like two expansions: Lich King (which will be the next) or BC (current wow classic)

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