Sheppard's Field 🐑

@zwolfgang @lekkerhondje @Rainstorm @signless @TheCanuk


@POET - Really catchy song man. Keep up the good work :+1::muscle:

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This sounds like 90s grunge music. :slight_smile:

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Thanks dude haha I had fun making it. Appreciate it broski!

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Lol thanks @LilyoftheValley I felt it had an old school feel to it to haha I started out wanting to make it some more 2000s edgy emo song but this is just what came out! Appreciate you listening :smiling_face::headphones:


I tried to write a religious song a while back geared towards adults but it ended up sounding like a children’s song lol! It happens

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Lol yea I feel as an artist I just have to channel the song so to speak. Whatever comes will come.

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Agreed. Good attitude!

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Thanks again for listening really! It sucks when you make a song and no one hears it lol. So… appreciate you :blush:

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Is that the new guitar?? Nice song

Edit. I just saw your other comment. The new guitar sounds great!

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Thanks dude! Yea I don’t have a direct input so just recording directly from the amp on my phone for now. Soon I’ll get a mic and an input box. Thanks for listening :headphones:


I have a Scarlett 2I2 interface and Native Instruments Guitar rig. You would really like guitar rig they have a free trial for when you get your interface

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Oh yea imma be looking for some amp simulators and impulse responses I think they call em. Can’t wait to get geared up.

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I’m gonna check it out in the morning!!! My ears are shot for the day lol

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All good dude thanks so much! :sunglasses:

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Great stuff man sounds really raw and original! Def love your voice on this and the playing is grungy and nice

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Lol thanks dude the recording of the amp didn’t translate the guitar is quiet but I managed to improve upon it for future songs.

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