Sexual side effects, worth swapping meds for?

Would you change meds over sexual side effects? I have found a really good med called amisulpride but it makes me numb down there. I don’t know if it’s worth it because I got no girlfriend but I still want to keep it.


I mean,

That’s your call.

I would think it’s worth switching meds,

But it depends on how important that part of your life is.

That would depend on several factors for me if I was a very old man and my libido was already in the dumps beforehand It wouldn’t matter but if I was a young buck it certainly would.

It doesen’t matter if your numb in the cellar as long as you are well grown topside :lying_face: jk :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I’ve been taking meds for 17 years that pretty much kills my libido. A streak of bad luck really. My doctor refused to change my meds as I was responding so well to them as he put it. Now I am dependant on them for sleep.

I’m on zyprexa. But yeah, if you think it’s important try out some meds that don’t affect your libido too negative, like abilify and latuda.

I got off of Risperdal for that reason mostly
Although it didn’t work that well on me on positive anyhow

I can say sex drive is been lower since clozapine
Have been on that for 11 years now
About to switch finally

Sex drive what’s that lol jk


I won’t be on meds with sexual side effects…makes me suicidal…so my med is fluphenazine, generic prolixin…no sexual side effects…

Does that stuff make you shake? That’s and older med right? typical antipsychotic?

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try using omega 3 fish oil supplement for some months.

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When you say numb, do you mean just unenjoyable, or have you lost some of the feeling in the nerves there? Because if you are losing feeling, that should be reported to your doc right away.

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@Natron no shaking, no side effects…i have been on this med longer than ten years so I no longer can get tardive from it my pdoc told me, very happy.

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I mean I lose all feeling down there, loss of libido and total loss of erection and ejaculation. I have swapped too many meds because of sexual dysfunction…

Has your doc ever talked with you about buspirone? Mine put me on it a while back to counter the sexual side effects of my meds. I don’t remember much about it, because it was in 2015, but that could be an option for you.

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Haldol did not have sexual side effects on me, even though it was pure hell in every other way. Now I’m on Geodon and Seroquel, and they do have sexual side effects. I’m not as randy as I used to be, which is okay, because Geodon and Seroquel leave me feeling like I am a human being.

I am weird with this situation. I have never had a sexual partner. I still sometimes am living just to enjoy masturbation. I took a med once and it really quited my mind but I became suicidal and completely lost any interest in sex. I was seen by a group of psychiatrists and believe it or not one of the questions was do I masturbate. I responded saying I used to but stopped. I now am taking a combo of meds that has me nearly hyper sexual.

Wow! That’s awesome :ok_hand: those older drugs make me shake like crazy.

Besides buspirone you can reverse some of the sexual side effect by adding mirtazapine, or in the last case, Viagra.

I’m 55 and have had a lot of partners in my life, so i will choose the meds over sexuality, unless i suddenly met a pretty, kind and interested woman.

I had the numbness of the private parts on Amisulpride just like you. Im now on 800 mg of Seroquel and 500 mg Clopixol and have totally lost my libido.
I have been on various antipsychotics in my life time and they all resulted in a miserable sex life.
Most MI’s from what Iv heard from other users of this forum and else where, struggle with sexual issues.

Personally my private parts functioning matters too much to me. I have no partners but it feels humiliating if I can’t feel anything when I see a woman.

I suffer from low libido from time to time. It doesn’t bother me though as I don’t have a girlfriend.