Severe constipation —

I will talk about my constipation plus hemorrhoids with you any day Nick.


Who says romance is dead? I could see us out on a date discussing constipation under a full moon in a clear sky on a crisp Spring night, it don’t get better than that. I’ll bring the strawberry’s and chocolate to make us regular.


Try prunes …


@77nick77 is the man!!!


Maybe you can try celery juice if you have juicer in your house. You can add some apple to make it taste better. Eating more celery also help.

when i was in the hospital they added a new med which led to constipation and they would give me milk of magnesia, it’s natural and it does help a bit

You probably just need a higher dose of docusamate sodium. 2 weeks doesn’t sound very long for a stool softener to stop working. Just talk to your doctor about it

Just to add - I started incorporating more raw vegetables into my diet this week and it’s had very favorable results on my Zyprexa-induced constipation. I eat 2 cups of raw cauliflower florets, 2 baby cucumbers with peels, and 12 grape tomatoes. All that is only 94 calories, so it fits into anyone’s nutritional plan, and it provides good fiber and roughage. I am going to continue eating that as a mid-afternoon snack every day because it really helps. You can choose other types of veggies if you want, they all are good with fiber.

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