School Problems

In one of my classes, Cultural Realities of Spain, the teacher makes us work in groups. My group happens to be terrible and unmotivated. We had to write a group paper. We were supposed to meet to gather our ideas together, and then I, as the editor, was supposed to gather everything and put it into a cohesive three page paper. Well, only the girl showed up for the meeting, and it was unproductive. The guy forgot about the meeting, and he was doing laundry, so he didn’t show up for it. Each of them submitted to me a one page paper that I was supposed to incorporate into three pages. What they submitted was crap, but I tried to make do. Well, our paper was returned to us for a rewriting to be done by next week, with a grade at least one letter grade lower for the return. The other girl in the group insisted on doing the rewriting, since she didn’t trust me to rewrite it successfully since the first one got returned. She asked that I submit to her a one page paper of my thoughts and reflections on the material, which I did. Good luck to her on getting a decent one page from the guy in the group. And she made grammatical errors in her page, for example, using bare, when it should have been bear. This whole group thing sucks, and I fear my grade in this class will not be what it should thanks to this group thing.

Another class I have, Business and Professional speech also relies on a lot of group work. Next week, we have to do mock job interviews, which I am dreading. I don’t think I will do well in this class either. My other two classes, Introductory Psychology and Intro to Ethics, on the other hand are good classes where there is no graded group work. I am getting A’s in both of those classes.

I used to hate the group assignments. they suck! i didn’t like it for more social anxiety issues more than anything. Hope it goes well!


Thanks for your support, runnergirl.

It’s been so long since I was in a school setting… See if you can submit your portion of the notes to the teacher so that s/he knows the effort you put in. If the grade is solely on the end results as a group whole, just know that you did your best.

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It is bad when group members are unsupportive. Good luck to you.

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@BarbieBF the grade is totally based on the group. The teacher will not accept the individual papers unfortunately.

Thank you for your good wishes @stina005.

Working in groups is something I have not been forced to do, at least not for a grade, except for one small presentation in a class, and the girl I worked with was sharp (and really hot btw). I am SUCH a loner about my work- I hate working in groups and I wouldnt be able to stand it! Good job standing it and doing your part. You can’t fix stupid, and apparently some people are!

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Thanks for your support @mortimermouse. You’re so lucky that you only had to work in a group once for a grade! I’m so jealous.

im sorry your struggling with working in a group i always think schizophrenics are like lone wolves. when you work in a group people have silly ideasand you have to be polite and use them even if theyre rubbish.
you cant help ut its group work accept that and concentrate on the ones your enjoying and doing well in, tc.

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Thanks for your support @dandydinmot. Working in a group is definitely not for me, especially when the others are not too bright or motivated.

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i can feel your frustration with this, when i was in college and put into groups i was always elected to be the spokesperson lol you wouldn’t think it but i did quite well at that haha (i think the drugs took the edge off of it a bit for me) haha, but they hated giving me the pen because i would ruin it, we had to write and draw exploded diagrams on topics and my handwriting is appaling, also often i would think of something that i thought might have a bearing on it but i was wrong.

what i am trying to say is that we all have our strengths and weaknesses no matter what we do, its all about trying to make the best of what you have, i think its nice that this girl wants to pitch in, maybe she cant spell 100% but at least she is wanting to contribute, she probably felt sorry for you and wanted to help by having a bash at it herself,

anyway i hope you can do what you want at college and make some friends :slight_smile:

take care

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I really feel for you on this one. I’m going to have to put on a five minute group play in the style of commedia dell’arte. I am not looking forward to it.

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i am sorry you have to do the group thing…negative situations that appear in our lives do test us, but also make us wiser, your really smart , your brilliance will shine through.
take care

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Thank you @darksith, and all of you for your words of encouragement.