Schizophrenia / Mental Health Treatment in 3rd World Countries - some examples

To quote Elvis Presley: “Never ceases to amaze me…” How in these discussions the members that are being accused of being trolls and delusional, are the ones that stay the most civil and respectful…

What do you think a troll is? All these people riled up over his anti-med, anti-psychiatry garbage, that’s the definition of a troll.

Your support of these false ideas, the 100+ post delusional threads, and other damaging forum practices is going to ruin this site. People are becoming discouraged. People have already started leaving, good people dedicated to the real meaning of this site, evidence based information and support. Eventually the scales will tip and the core backbone of the forum, the rational, truly supportive, people will be gone. Then what will you be left with?


I see nothing civil or respectful in pushing an antipsychiatry agenda and trying to scare people into stopping meds. Obviously the likes of gainesms are preferred here by certain moderators to those of us genuinely trying to help people , so on that basis i’m out of here.

If anyone ever wants to contact me firemonkey at eml dot cc

In an effort to stave off the inevitable, let me just say to not hold the whole site accountable for the actions of one clueless moderator. szadmin and pixel are both solidly in the pro-med, pro-psychiatry, pro-reality camp. I think szadmin is trying to take the high road and reason with this guy. I think he should just be permabanned, but that’s just me.

Don’t give up just yet.


Clueless moderator… Can always count on you to go for the personal attack… How about allowing the other moderators to speak for themselves as I’m sure they are capable of doing.

By all means. If @szadmin and @shutterbug come in this thread and deny being “solidly in the pro-med, pro-psychiatry, pro-reality camp” then I’ll eat my words.

I find you comment worrying though. If behind the scenes @szadmin and @shutterbug are not, then this is a much worse situation than even I could have imagined.

Before others think your implication has any merit. There is no behind the scenes.

I’ve been a moderator here, there is always a “behind the scenes”. Do you show the forum public every private message, every staff discussion, every moderation decision? Of course not.

Is that any different from you attacking those of us against the antipsychiatry propaganda with sarcastic ‘Elvis’ quotes?

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I notice this type of “discussion” doesn’t seem to interest most of the women on the forum. Are the majority of them disappearing?

It was a general observation. Not a personal attack against you are anyone. My apologies if you took it as one.

I had to check with all the commotion on the board and yeap it’s a full moon!

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I just wanted to say I think it is sad the way the mentally ill are treated in some poorer countries. I couldn’t imagine living a life like that. I guess I didn’t realize how fortunate I am until I seen those pictures. Too sad :frowning:


OK - I think this discussion has run its course.

As a general statement - this site and this forum are pro-science, pro-treatment and pro-recovery.

We are also anti-religious arguments. As we say in our discussion forum guidelines - in this forum we don’t like it when people tell other people what to do. Its fine if you find something helpful for you - and to share that information with other people.

We also don’t like personal attacks - and that goes for all sides of a discussion. Its fine to disagree with the ideas a person presents - but don’t attack the person.

Its fine to present science that shows the positive impacts and the negative side effects of any treatments - we want to have fully-informed people here. We also like to hear personal success stories of what treatment approach has helped you best and for how long - so that other people can learn from you.

We don’t appreciate bllind proselytizing of any given viewpoint - one that does not acknowledge the costs and benefits of a given approach. Those we will be less tolerant of in the future.