Scared to death of starting dialysis for my mother in law tomorrow

We’re starting home dialysis tomorrow and I’m scared that I’m going to mess it up.

My mother in law doesn’t understand the process at all so it’s all up to me to get it all done and done right.

Does anyone have any experience doing dialysis at home?

Caring for the elderly is really hard work.


I admire you for doing this. Kudos.


Good luck with everything. I can ask my dad about what it would entail, if you’d like, since he used to work home health.


Taking care of the elderly is really hard work. I guess you must love your husband very much so that you accepted the responsibility of looking after his mother.


You’re a trooper for sure. Sorry I can’t be of any help. Have things gotten a little better for you with your MIL and all? She’s been in your house for what, a year now? thinking of you



Its been almost exactly a year.

Things are still less than desirable with her,

But I’m hoping things improve soon.

Thanks for the thoughts!

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I wish I knew something about dialysis to give you some advice.

Could a nurse come over to the house to go through the process with you again so that you feel more confident? Was there some kind of training? Sorry if you posted about this already in another thread and I missed it.

Your mother-in-law and your husband are lucky to have you. I think you’re doing great.


There was training,

And a nurse is coming out tomorrow to help get us started.

I’m just concerned about her lack of knowledge and understanding on this one.

Its going to be hard for me to do all the work for her, but I have to.

Thanks for the compliments!


I hope it goes well for you.

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When the nurse comes, take notes if you need to and ask any questions that come to mind. I hope it goes well. God bless you for doing this.

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She having PD or HHD?

Never in home, but I did do a few rotations in a clinic that did hemodialysis. It can be intimidating, sure, I would imagine more so for a family member.

The nurse will help you learn, it’s part of their jobs.

I’m sure you can do it!


The nurse will explain it until you completely understand and I would imagine she has experience with the elderly so she will use that experience to get through to your mother-in-law. It may be hard to learn but once you do it for awhile you will get used to it and it will just be routine. I’m sure when you’re on your own doing it, if you run into problems or have a question there will be someone you can call to help you.


She’s doing PD.

Thanks, I think we can do it too!


well I don’t blame you for being nervous…that is some scary stuff…just keep the nurse’s number if she will give it to you so you can call if an emergency comes up and you need guidance? sorry bad advice…I wish I could help you…

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You can do it, worst part is going to be changing the drainage bag, I bet.

Just be prepared, the fluid color you give, isn’t what you get out, that was jarring to me. Realizing how much the kidneys actually filter

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I wish I had advice to give you @anon54386108.
Just ask the nurse any questions that arise.
Good luck

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How did it go @anon54386108?

We’re waiting for the nurse and trainer to get here so we can start.

They have to observe us and approve us for home dialysis.

They’ll be here in about ten minutes,

Wish me luck!


All the best @anon54386108!

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Good luck @anon54386108, I know you’ll do great

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