His name is Jimmy!
Sorry kiddos! I got paranoid.
His name is Jimmy!
Sorry kiddos! I got paranoid.
Hi Jimmy!
those whiskers though!
this is a really old pic of him lol.
Tuxedo kitty 151515
That he is. He’s a snazzy dressed fella haha.
Beautiful cat
Thank you!!
When I picked him out he was climbing over some yellow kittens to get my attention lol.
What a nice looking kitty!
That’s so sweet!
Thanks, @Wave!! He’s fairly modest for being so handsome lol.
He’s just a great pal.
I figured I’d share an old pic since I’m always talking about him.
Thanks for sharing @Montezuma
You welcome! I just edited it out because I got paranoid. I’m so embarrassed.
@Ninjastar or @anon4362788 can I please get this thread locked?
I’m so sorry for wasting software space.
It isn’t a waste at all. If you would prefer to delete the whole thread, just flag your first post.