ヾ(・Θ・)ノ〃 Say anything! xxxv 🐦

I’m never hungry in the morning so i rarely eat breakfast. I think at lunch time i’m gonna have one of the spicy ramen bowls i got from the dollar store.

I’ve heard some stories about ace of base.
Supposedly they’re antisemit and that song is a song about Jewish women who all they want is to make children to be more Jewish people in the world… Something like that… I don’t know how true it is

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highs in the 40’s all days of my ten day forecast. 40 is warm enough to go for a walk outside. good stuff

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When you go to the gas station for coffee, do you walk there or do you drive? Nothing here is close enough to walk to. I’m out in the country.


I wish I could live in the country. I did when I was very young, and looking back on it, it was great. Well, we lived where the country met the suburb, so there were convenience stores we could walk to.


I have to drive. it’s a couple miles from here. although I have gotten desperate and walked to get cigarettes before when I couldn’t drive. when it’s summer i’ll bike into town and that doesn’t make me as nervous as walking. we get quite a few cyclists come by the house but the rare person walking always look so criminal.

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@freakonaleash Yeah it’s very peaceful out here in the country. Nobody messes with you. Although i look forward to moving to my own place. It will be in a small town. Still not a big city but with a few more conveniences.

@Lifer We get a lot of cyclists out here where i live. Like serious cyclists training for races. They ride in packs of like 15 or 20 and take up the whole road. It can be annoying when you can’t get around them.


interesting. we have some but it’s not a real cyclist culture I don’t think. im always paranoid i’ll get hit by a car on one of these two lane roads with no shoulder. not everybody is aware that there are cyclists on the road so I don’t ride much. mom and dad used to go for rides all the time to stay in shape. weather permitting. im always nervous for them.

I think we get them because you may consider it a scenic area cyclists want to ride but im surprised no one has been hit.

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Waiting to get my blood work. It’s pretty bad when the nurses know you by name lol. At least they are gentle.

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Well, I got my shot. I got home half an hour ago, but now I’m finally going to get in the shower, going to do this thing, no more dragging ass.

Have the Jinx at the vet. She has a cateract and dirty ears. Getting her checked for ear mites.


Well, I’m all fresh and clean now :slightly_smiling_face:.

As soon as I, including my hair, get a bit drier I’ll get dressed and head out the door. It doesn’t take my hair too long to dry, considering there isn’t much of it, especially on top.

@TomCat, how old is Jinx?

The casseroles were a success!

My husband just called to tell me they were all eaten and everyone loved them.

Guess it was worth working all afternoon yesterday and getting up at 5am to bake.

Feeling a little weird today, I think its my period coming,

Always makes me more symptomatic.

Still surprises me every month.


The Jinx is ten.

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im hungry but I don’t have anything left in the house to eat. I told my caseworker that I was going to wait until after the appeal to have her take me to the grocery weekly. I don’t want to pay out of pocket.

I may drive to subway not sure, maybe the little grocery we have in town and get some chili ingredients.

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Waiting for the bus :bus:

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What bus? But I guess your answer will be: “Ask again later” lol j/k :stuck_out_tongue:

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Went to Walmart (where i used to work) and did some shopping for the children in my family. I have four kids to buy for and it’s hard because i really don’t know what to get them. I’m pretty out-of-touch with childhood things, not having any children myself, so i do the best i can. I guess it’s the thought that counts. Or that’s what they say.

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Someone sent a box to my house with a gift for each of my kids. Another person…The Bloggess from the Bloggess blog…sent me a gift card to Amazon. I bought another gift for each kid with it.

We have a gift card xom8ng for each teen and 3 more gifts (one each) for the ones 12 and under.

I am hoping the kids are happy with their gifts. Luckily they understand we are poor. The younger ones think you have to send Santa money to pay for the gifts so they know we don’t get a lot.