Say Anything X is for xylophone

Good morning to you, @SpringRose! It’s good to hear you are out of isolation. I had a bit of a residual cough, but it disappeared pretty quickly. I hope yours does too. Coughing, sneezing, etc if you are in public seems to assign you an automatic stigma nowadays.


My landlord comes by for some repairs today. I’m panicked to the point of not functioning, and I’m not even at the disco! Sorry- I seem to be feeling corny today.


Huge hug, Monte. I got my husband cheap-ish polos recently, but I feel bad for having spent the money. Hubby did okay it, though. It’s hard to see money leave your account.


Omg. My aunt who is supposed to be a nice person was bad mouthing my dad. My dad and my mom’s family have been at war with each other for as long as I can remember. I don’t know what my dad did to garner their hate.


Hey peeps!

Feeling proud of myself. I just resisted a people pleaser request from my dad.

Something about a stupid bowling ball bag for his girlfriend that is buried in one of the garages. Told dad I ain’t getting dressed, put boots on, and walk through deep snow to get something for a person who won’t express any gratitude for my efforts namely his girlfriend. I didn’t say all that but I did say no at least for now.

I am still pissed at his girlfriend for wanting dad and I to drive to the next town over to pick up a special meal for St. Pat’s. No fricken thank you or anything.

Oh well. Time to move on. Just wanted to share one of my victories for the day.


@Naarai I hope you don’t have bowl cancer and that the colonoscopy goes well.

It runs in my family too. My grandad and aunt got it. My grandad survived it my aunt didn’t. So even if you have it it can go either way depending on how early they catch it.

On a different note, I studied Spanish and Mental Health today and read in a Psychology book. I also went for a 1 hour walk with my mom. Now I’m listening to some music.

I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday. Next Thursday I go to London. Already looking forward to that.


Waiting for the FA cup tie against fulham, it’s a boring sunday. I hope that is enjoyable though.

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Thank you ma’am! I’m feeling better this morning, but I do appreciate it. :slight_smile:

@ThePickinSkunk Thank you Skunkalish! I think you’re correct, it is more of a hobby. I never go in debt or go broke. :hugs:

@Human and @Zoe Thank you ladies!! Appreciate it. :hugs:


I am saddened to hear of your ominous news and worries. I hope you get the all clear soon.

There are some major studies linking alcohol with cancer, so if you need any more motivation than that to knock it on the head then use this knwoledge. People don’t talk about the link between alcohol and cancer very much, but it is true. It should be common knowledge but it isn’t yet. It should be.


Have these coming.




Caught a Lamborghini on the freeway. Not a very good looking one but check out the plate.

Says KR8WELTh if you can’t see it.


Thanks @Happy_H. I don’t cough much and I’m still a little stuffy. I’m glad it was a mild case.

I’m looking forward to seeing a picture when you get your hair done.

Congratulations on your new car!


@Montezuma HUGS!!!

@Naarai Im sorry you’re depressed. Do something nice for yourself today.


Thank you my friend! :slight_smile:

I’m feeling better this morning. I just felt guilty last night for spending so much money on one piece of clothing. But Ben Davis shirts are tight!



I’m glad you feel better :slight_smile: When do you get the shirt? You going to show us the shirt?


Thank you homegirl. :blush:

I’m supposed to get it by Thursday. I bought it off eBay but it’s brand new.

Yes, I’ll most likely post a pic of it.


Cool! I look forward to seeing the pic!


Trixie is running around like a wild child. She must be feeling good. Class ran over but I felt bad for my teacher because he was just not feeling well. I hope he gets better soon.


My Ben Davis shirt just shipped out! YAY! It says it’s supposed to get here Saturday, but hopefully it will get here sooner.



Went to my favorite diner for lunch, was great like always. Now I’m tired, want to take a nap, but I worry if I do that I’ll have a hard time sleeping tonight.