Say anything part 2

@Anna What about the exams you had this week? Has everything been well?

Oh I already finished the class. I got an A!


hearing voices is annoying i cant do anything they are louder but still quiet i just read that abilify increases dopamine so i think i am ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  im gonna have to either be crazy hallucinating and wanting to die everyday because i cant do anything or be normal but fat with high cholesterol binging on food all day

I took the ability to eat food for granted before. I am soooo grateful to be able to eat again. I canā€™t describe the relief at being able to scarf down 2 tacos. I would not have even been able to smell them yesterday without gagging and a bite of one would have had my stomach churning for hours.

These are serious medsā€¦the sedation is so annoying thoughā€¦and caffeine doesnā€™t even work against it

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Congratulations!!! :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


Any update on your caseworker + the medication?
Are you well?

Hi @MissMermaid
My caseworker called me up and apologized.
She told me that she didnā€™t mean to pressure me.
She sounded sincere.
I think that I will keep her but I am not doing so well still.
I have a lot going on in my life so it seems but my brother feels that I am creating the pressure myself.
I donā€™t know anymore.
I may need to raise my meds again, I was feeling overstimulated (Manic) yesterday.
Iā€™ll see how it goes.
Thanks for your concern @MissMermaid.

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This forum is awesome. Iā€™m glad to know people here. It is good knowing Iā€™m not the only schizophrenic. Sometimes I just enjoy reading whatā€™s been going on with everyone.

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I keep reading this article. It makes me want to try life without meds. Itā€™s tough to think I will always be on meds.

That is an interesting article but it scares meā€¦

It is scary. When Iā€™m off meds for long enough I begin to hear a womanā€™s voice. It gets difficult.

Iā€™ve been having mostly good days. Tonight isnā€™t too bad. I feel a little off though. Iā€™m having racing thoughts and am trying to keep my mind busy.


I am not able to take a nap ā€¦

Yeah it happens. I canā€™t sleep either. How is the weather in Nepal today?

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Its rainning i love thai foodā€¦can u tell the meaning of amigo ā€¦thaiā€¦???

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It means ā€œfriendā€ in Spanish. A rainy day? Thatā€™s cool. It has not rained here for months now. Itā€™s been warm and sunny.

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When are u sleeping ā€¦isnt it night time in americaā€¦!!!

It is 12:05 AM. I canā€™t sleep. I have some things on my mind.

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What thing ā€¦are u going to play some gamesā€¦

Just racing thoughts. Things like my life not turning out the way I expected. Wondering about someone. Feeling a bit like a loser. As for games, well thatā€™s not a bad idea. If I play a video game I might not fall asleep. I donā€™t know if itā€™s a good idea.

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