I didn’t warn anyone that I was creating the new thread. Who will get the first post?
Yay! I win the game!
I love Elephants! Amazing animals.
Dang almost got second post.
I have to start filling out ssa form 820 for working part time.
Having catfish for dinner tonight. Don’t know how it will be.
Do it.
@ThePickinSkunk @Charles_Foster We were just being all nostalgic this afternoon and looking at photos of her when she was a baby. It’s hard to believe it’s been 5½ years!
She’s never really been around other kids much. Soccer this spring and fall and library story time twice a week pre covid are pretty much the only times she’s ever been around other kids.
She was in a small speech class thing for a hot minute, but she got kicked out after I think the 3rd class for being too disruptive. It was 2 SLPs and 4 2-3 year olds for 40 minutes once a week. Instead of doing individual lessons they offered this class option. Anyways, that’s how we learned (or at least was the first signs) she’s got ADHD.
I want her to go, but she’s a lot like me and I had a truly terrible, traumatizing school experience and I don’t want that for her.
I think I’m dealing with depression. Wow, I just had de ja vu.
I’m sorry to hear that. BTDT. School is a torture chamber rather than a learning institution.
I was in a 2 on 1 speech class in my day. Had trouble with my S’s.
After a traumatic incident at the age of ten I was put in special education for years and years. It was safe and I could do my work in relative peace. Little LED may benefit from that if things get too crazy.
Was just thinking. In 2022 I’ll have been out of high school for 20 years. There may be a reunion. Will I go? ■■■■ no! Too many ■■■■■■■■ haven’t fallen off the face of the earth yet and my old nickname Downs as in Down’s Syndrome hasn’t been forgotten.
Screw those pricks!
Good Lord that’s a hell of a thing! I’d only go to a class reunion if I had a flamethrower
(class of 82 ugh)
Wow, really? You don’t look old enough to be class of 82.
Thank you my friend, I’m well preserved from all the chemicals
Yeah, talking about an iep or a 504(which I’m told is like an iep minus some things?) is at the top of my list of things to ask about.
The only issue she’s talked to me about as to why she doesn’t want to go is that kids are noisy and what if she just needs to go to her room and be alone but there are all these kids around?!?!
Meeting the principal, all the staff, the nurse, getting a tour of the school, it’s pretty much all for Ridley’s benefit. To hopefully help her adjust.
David Bowie stole his singing voice from a friend of his who left the music business to become a painter.
E is for Ellie the elephant. That’s the name of one of my teddies. I have two teddies, in case anyone wanted to know.