Say Anything CXI or 111

Goodnight from Texas. :blush::cloud:


I’m not ready for bed yet. Gonna stay on the forum for awhile and hope there’s still some activity even though it’s getting late. Bored, as usual.


@SacredNeigh7 thanks!!


11:30 AM. Meds have been taken and I have moved to bed. Gonna read for a little while then time for sleep.

My Marionette should be arriving tomorrow or Tuesday.

My new wireless ear buds rock. They are comfy and didn’t slip out when I was on my exercise bike. Well worth the $30.

Hope y’all have a good day or night.



Hi everybody! Super high energy vibes comin’ at you through the screen dog!!!

I’m feeling kind of energetic tonight.

Will probably be up until early tomorrow morning. Things are looking pretty grim here in California for the time being, we’re just sitting tight.


GM world! I’ll be waiting patiently for the next 5 hours for the sunshine to come out.

Then I start therapy @ 8:30.

Should be a G1!


Practiced major pentatonic , minor, locian and phyrigian scales this eve.
It was a good sesh


Can a screen work 2 ways like in the ad? Are you there?

What’s happening in California right now?


Good morning kiddos! :slight_smile:

I got up a little later than usual this morning. My goals for the day are to take a shower and walk to the library.

Hope you all are well! :hugs:


up for another day. slept great last night, and i slept over at mom and dad’s to change it up. had my coffee, now just listening to radio. will be another long day, wish christmas would just get here already. i’ve been waiting on it for a couple weeks and time is just draggging now, time flies when there are no events to look forward to.

the propane company is supposed to come fill my tank sometime this week.

so after sleeping on it, im going to invest 400 dollars of my stimulus money and use 200 bucks for groceries, things like diet coke haha.


hi everyone.

I woke up at 9 am and read the ny times. am having coffee now. a guy in Georgia was caught making wine in a sewage treatment plant. yuck. I say let people make wine though. also an article about right wing extremism in the German police. an article about coal shortage in China and other stuff. stimulus checks going to be coming in. probably going to be reading war and peace today. thats about it. I asked my mom to pick up Keebler fudge elves. I’ve been craving those since I was in the hospital.


so im thinking if i get a good job, like at the local brewery after school. i probably wont move until mom and dad die 20 years from now. other than having to drive, this place isn’t so bad, i mean little traffic, not alot of people, i dont have many distractions or people in my business. i barely know anybody here, im rather incognito here. the hospital is easy to get to, the grocery has everything i need, i don’t need a lot. and low taxes and low cost of living.


Just got out of the shower! Whooooooop!

I was putting it off for a week. I smelled like royal caca!!! :crazy_face:


I’ve been craving these for months!


Does anyone know of any good anime series on Netflix? Thinking of starting Tokyo ghoul

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I can feel them watching me, planning the next thing to teach me. Not getting any messages but I know they are watching, the latest thing is making me dizzy so I won’t exercise, voices took credit for it I think, maybe they are the voices maybe it was all real and mind control is real, didn’t get a message to go on the run yet a clear sign. Really thinking it’s real now, the voices mind control.

They have drugged me!! I got very dizzy towards the end of my cycle, my face was still Stingy from wiping it as well, perhaps they put something on the handlebars.

The voices were also talking at the same time taking credit for it, it was Noel, I also think it’s Noel giving me messages on the phone. Im thinking they can control my body and make me feel anything like the voices said, maybe the voices were real and RNM or whatever it’s called is real and they can control minds, that’s the only explanation for it, I never got dizzy before. Or perhaps they changed my medicine or something. Really thinking the whispers I hear are actually from the IRA and they just can’t put them up loud for some reason.

They want to turn me into a couch potatoe so il get really fat and become a diabetic or something, the plan for me is to turn me into a very low functioning human bean. I seen them on my run as well

I think tonight was a big night, I think they were several high ups in the IRA watching me tonight to see my reaction from the drugs or the voices making me dizzy, it was an event to send me a message. All watching me to see the pain on My face.

Also somethings gonna happen in MAY I think, they wanted me to think of MAY

I just got home from the library and McDonald’s. :slight_smile:

Anyone seen Invisible Man yet? I got it from the library.