Saving for iphone 14

What did he recommend

With Android you can get decent phones for really cheap but they are slower than the top Android and top Apple and currently the top Apple is faster than the top Android. I mean if you don’t care about speed or iOS you can get a pretty cheap Android like me and save money as I am poor now. Though if I was working full time I will buy a top phone.


If you prefer iPhone either get the iPhone 13 or the 14 Pro as the 14 non-Pro is the same as the 13, just more expensive.

I might get an iPhone after they fix shitty dual sim management.

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Idk how much is the Pro gonna cost

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I think prices will be released soon before the 14 release.

Based on rumors, Apple is expected to hold its Apple September event September 13, which would fall on a Tuesday about a week after Labor Day this year. That would mean iPhone 14 preorders could start that Friday, September 16, and the actual iPhone release date could be September 23 .


I’ll most likely be purchasing the iPhone 14 Pro

I currently have an iPhone 12 Red. My previous one was a 6 plus. Before that it was a 5 and before that a 1. I buy one every couple of years but don’t need the latest one.

As long as I can get the software updates!

I like the samsung phones. Ive got an s20.
Before that i had a google pixel 1 then before was a samsung s5 and s3

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I could renew my contact and get a iPhone 14 pro right on release but I’m going to keep mu iphone 11 pro for another year.

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