Risk of major psychiatric disorders in individuals with first-degree relatives with schizophrenia: a nationwide population-based study

A dose-dependent relationship was observed between the risks of major psychiatric disorders and the numbers of First Degree Relatives (FDRs) with schizophrenia. The increased risks of major psychiatric disorders were consistent in different family relationships, namely among parents, offspring, siblings and twins.

Our study supports the familial dose-dependent co-aggregation of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, ASD and ADHD, and our results may prompt governmental public health departments and psychiatrists to focus on the mental health of individuals with FDRs with schizophrenia.


Mine comes from my mothers side. Her aunty is schizophrenic and I think there was another sister who was different too. It’s a bit hazy as that generation didn’t talk about it and kept stuff like that hidden. I wish I’d known it was in the family when I was going through some breaks. Might have found meds sooner!