Results matter

managers are worthless, complete zeros.
Management jobs will get eliminated moonwalker whether you like it or not.
No more managers.
Not in today’s formation at least.
It is possible that in the future no pay artificial jobs will be created,
an endless supply of artificial jobs, but in that case I don’t see who would agree to be managed,
they can manage dolls.

Hey I was a manager, managed 13 people across 3 continents and I can tell you, they paid me for a reason

I will never agree to be under a manager, the people who agreed to work under you are suckers
Your salary was a waste of money.

The Israeli Defence Forces have a chain of command… all the way up to Benjamin Netanyahu.

You don’t even know what I did

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I would skip the army, get an exemption.

You’re probably right there

Oh yeah, it’s mandatory that the male population serve in the IDF except for those with certain medical conditions.

Regardless of what you did, in the futuristic society it will be a waste of money.
In a future society the entire workforce will be automated, and in essence I think that AI will make society a much better
What I hate about your approach moonwalker is that it breeds hostility among people and it is very inefficient.
The hierarchical structure under which society operates is very bad.
I believe that the entire workforce will be automated,
and if there are artificial jobs,
they will be in a co-operative environment, where everyone has the same influence and the same work conditions.

@exhile in practice it’s possible to get an exemption/to get released from military duty,
but it requires determination and effort and time, not that easy.

They say that living in the future can be as bad a living in the past. I recomend you live in the present and have a more results focused mindset.

Gal Gadot is a fine young woman who served in the IDF. Too bad she didn’t get an exemption. What a wonder woman.

Yes, money talks. Money makes the world go around.

Heart train is leaving the station! All aboard

Now you know what they mean by “Just do it”

I used to share this sentiment, that results matter. But as I’ve been researching and studying more, the less I think that’s true, external results I mean. I accomplished a lot by the age of 19,5; but I was miserable.

No matter how many times it’s told to people that money or possessions won’t make you happy, they don’t believe it, even if people who have excess of those things tell them so. Celebrities or some of the wealthiest people in the world are miserable, that’s why they often turn to drugs or whatever.

Happiness has nothing to do with how much you’ve accomplished, or even what kind of spouse or social life you have. A fulfilled life is not about min-maxing everything, or comfort, those are low-consciousness values. It’s about being authentic; honest with everybody especially yourself; taking responsibility; being present, conscious and aware, etc.

If your motivations for getting money, fame, good relationship or whatever are neurotic low consciousness motivations; you’re going to be miserable, because the high of getting these things only lasts so long, soon you’re back to chasing and if you ever take a step back and lose those things you’re going to be miserable as well. Those things should not be called happiness anyways, they’re more stimulation than authentic happiness.

Now I don’t mean you can’t be happy while working hard, accomplishing things or having a great relationship. One of my favorite sayings is:“it’s not the thing, it’s the place it’s coming from”. People who are happy still accomplish things, except it’s coming from a different place. A place of abundance, giving, self love etc.

If your goal is to be happy or fulfilled, you need to turn inward. The gist of it, what I’ve talked about here so far, has been known since the Greek philosopher times, so it’s kinda amazing that people still don’t get it. There’s no simple formula/technique for cultivating happiness that works for everybody and it can’t be chemically induced, the kind of happiness I’m talking about.

So I don’t have a simple answer, but what has skyrocketed my happiness levels is self help/personal development. I watch videos, read books, I contemplate various things, meditate(I have a special technique that doesn’t make me psychotic), do yoga, etc.

This turned out way longer than I thought it will when I started writing it.

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I think your post is very insightful. I’m all about having a balanced life, but some of my point which maybe hasn’t gotten across is that…

Thinking about doing something and stressing about it is not what it’s about. It’s as simple as doing it. Doing something requires action, and some forethought, but at the end it’s the action that gets you there. and to get a result you have to take an action. Simple as that

Can we get this to 100 posts, I think it’s a good read

Thanks for calling my post insightful. The thread is called “Results matter”. I was mostly referring to that. And “success, that’s where the meaning is”.

Your advice is well meaning, I’m not doubting that. You see, people mostly know that results require taking action.

I agree, I wasn’t trying to say that’s “what it’s about”. It’s just that you see lots of this kind of advice online and it wasn’t helpful for me. If anything, it made me feel even more inhibited. Lazy people aren’t inherently lazy imo. They’re feeling overwhelmed, and just saying “take action”, well, they’ve heard it before. There are usually deep-seated psychological issues why somebody is “lazy” and not taking action(or maybe an exception would be low motivation because of schizophrenia, in which case my advice still applies I think).

Usually they have low self-esteem and fear plus maybe some other contributing factors. More often than not, somebody has put them down, often a parent, and told them they’re “no good” and maybe even that they’re lazy. Or they’ve been around lots of lazy people and become “infected”. I posted recently on another thread where somebody was dealing with constant negativity from other people:

You didn’t say it out, but to me, there’s an implication that it takes will-power to accomplish things. I have used will-power or negative motivation(if you think about it, will-power just refers to using negative motivation), and I accomplished lots because of it, but I was never happy and had I used positive motivation, I think I would have accomplished as much, if not more, plus I’d been happier. I think people also have this fear that if they are nice to themselves and don’t beat themselves up constantly about not working hard enough, then they wouldn’t be productive or maybe even that they’d do nothing. I had that sort of thinking a while back, and my parents are all about will-power, so they instilled it in me.

If you stop being hard on yourself, then sure, at first you might accomplish less things, as you get used to it, at least from my experience. But what you’ll find after some time is that you don’t want to just sit on the couch and do nothing, you get drawn to things, maybe even productive things. You have more energy and motivation because it’s not this huge weight pushing you down.

After you stop the negative self talk, then maybe at first you need to push yourself a bit to get the ball rolling, but for me at this point, I don’t have to use any will-power to get things done. Obviously if your job is not aligned with your life purpose then you’re going to resist doing it, and it feels like a huge burden. I’m in the middle of starting to change careers, and it’s scary but exciting at the same time. It’s going to be a slow transition so that I don’t get too overwhelmed.

I think people want to be productive, at the core, and then it gets “beaten” out of them. I have never met a lazy 3 year old. Sure they resist doing some things, but there’s not this huge baggage they’re carrying. Kids wake up excited every day, unless(or until) they’ve been conditioned to see life as a task to be done. This experience is almost universal, but everybody I’ve talked to has said that in kindergarten they wanted to go to school, once they had been in school for some, not so long, time, they started hating it. I won’t go into a huge deal why our schools are terrible(could go on and on why that is), but I’ve really tried to rekindle this childlike wonder, excitement, creativity and curiosity I had, that’s how you should approach life imo, not by willing yourself to do things.

If you need will-power, then imo you’re doing the wrong thing(s). Sure I still need willpower to do some stuff on a daily basis but something as major as my job is not going to be a drag on me, even if that means making a bit less money.

So no, I would say it’s a bit more complex than just doing it and not stressing. You need to address the reason you’re stressing if that’s what’s stopping you. Not rocket science either, but just “Nike it out” was not successful for me.

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Woah like a tidal wave, lots of good stuff in there. I’m not sure if I said it had to be negative, I’m more of a “what ever it takes” kind of guy, and more toward the positive side as I’m an optimist too. But I know those negative feelings, doing good out of fear, and I know what it feels to be burned out to. My last job interview asked me to work 12 hours a day, I said not anymore and left the workforce, so I get what your saying.

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