Remember Your First Car?

The transmission went out on the highway my first car lol

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I had a 1966 Chevrolet Chevelle Malibu. I got it for $400 in 1978. My favorite car, I had a lot of good times with that car. It was never painted the whole time I had it, the previous owners had sanded it down and put on a coat of grey primer paint but I never took the next step and had it painted. The paint job would have cost more than the car was worth.


2004 Mazda 3 was my first car. Had the windows you had to roll up yourself lol but it was a cool little ride. I’d def buy another Mazda

My first car was an old Ford Escort…I don’t remember the year. It was the car I learned to drive a stick-shift on. It was a crappy car but it was reliable and got great gas mileage!

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A 1990(?) Chevy Geo.

1981 Toyota Corona Luxury Edition
I tell you I’d still be driving it today if not for the want of newer stuff.

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Never got my license, and happy I failed…

I won’t say details about the car for security reasons but my first car was a beater. It was light blue and nearly as old as me. It eventually died with like 200,000 something miles on it. Started stalling out every time I came to a stop. So my dad sold it to someone who said they could fix it. I now own my moms old car.

Was it a white Ford Bronco?


Haha nope 151515

Red '06 Corolla.

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My first auto was a red 1995 Pontiac Grand Prix!

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I cleaned rooms at a Holiday Inn, to buy this.


99 honda civic


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Mine was an Oldsmobile I can’t remember much more about it

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Dodge Intrepid

It fell apart eventually

a 60’s Chevy Malibu

I got my first new truck in high school. Then years later I got a car that was used but certified (1-2 years old) and has a warranty. It’s my current car.

Small truck was great but never used it for surfing or biking unfortunately. I got fat and had a hard time sleeping in it at night or sitting.

I’ve never been homeless but stayed 1-2 nights in my truck before. Single cab no extension.

Looking back, I was spoiled and probably entitled too according to my father…

I could have kept the truck and got a truck bed cover and slept in that.

My main problem was my family not wanting to deal (live with them) with me or my schizophrenia. Especially my stepfather and mom. Dad couldn’t even be bothered by me or let me over for dinner.

I guess things changed. I’ve been in room and boards a couple of times.

I’m lazy due to motivation deficits and energy deficits I guess now because of schizophrenia.

I’m hard to deal with but (they) like me now and supposedly they need my help around the house. I pay rent and stuff but (realistically) it’s not enough on a fair market value. Studios are 1300+ here a month. Renting a room in a house is easily 1000 a month too. I’m blessed.

I’m 34 years old now and have no debt or assets, but probably am doing better off than most folks in life. I have no loans, debt, and I have a roof over my head and I have food. I’m above average in IQ but lack motivation, drive, grit, and energy, and can’t seem to work and still struggle with psychosis and memory and cognitive problems. I smoke a lot and don’t take care of myself and am obese. That pretty much sums it up now.


Oh btw my mom got me my first car


My first car was a 1996 Honda Accord ----- it was a suuuuuuper nice car for me at 16
I fell asleep on the freeway and rolled it within a few months of having it :frowning: