Rehabilitation after long psychotic episode

After a more than a half year long psychotic episode, I had to do a rehabilitation of the self. I am now 3 months out of my latest and longest psychosis and it takes so much effort. It felt like I had to complete reconstruct myself, and still feel I am not myself. I even collapsed in my psychosis at home and don’t remember much. The psychosis snapped away my former self and slowly but sure I am crawling up again. It has been very painful and slow… sometimes I feel like giving up. My future simply collapsed because of the (late) diagnosis. I still remain vulnerable, when i don’t want to. When I went out of it I signed up to the forum and it has been a great help, thank you all.

Anyone had to deal with this?
and how did you do it?
did you get any help?

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I think most of us have had a recovery period after a psychotic episode. I think this is normal. I think therapy helps some people. I have not had any therapy myself though. Time has slowly helped me to climb back out some, although I don’t think I will ever be the same as pre psychosis. I am fully recovered from positive symptoms for years, but negative symptoms still sometimes bother me.


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