Red Dead Redemption 2

I’m about to start playing the 2nd one.

The first one was really good.

Anyone here play or played red dead redemption ?


I have RDR2 on PC. Played it a bit long time ago but then stopped. Now I mostly play Cod cw.

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I got Red Dead Redemption 2 a few months ago but havent started it yet.


I completed it shortly after it came out. I really enjoyed it. It’s a slow start but it gets really good.


O hell yea 2 is freaking fun. You will like it if you like the first one, it has a great storyline.

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Never played any of the red deads except for rdr2. Beat the story, and played online a bit, but the online play is pretty boring.


I like the online play it was pretty fun, not the best but pretty good.


I bought the online play for around $7 when ot was on Steam.

Kinda slow paced but it wasn’t that bad.

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yea it wasnt bad, its was pretty good.

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Did the first “cinamatic” episode when i bought it - and frankly didnt know how to play it when your left on your own.

Left stored on the external drive - with all the others ive wasted 100’s £’s on lol.

Great eye candy tho in 4k.


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