Recovery on Antipsychotics is impossible IMO

@shutterbug True stuff man, im working on it. How long did it take you to get to a point of recovery?

Spent most of first year in psych ward with periods of managed living. Was volunteering by end of second year and looking to move out on my own. Started to really stabilize in third year and was offered part-time job. Was living on own and working full-time by fifth year, I think. Memory is a bit spotty for first five years.

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Maybe ur issues are just the illness itself. Many of us try a handful of antipsychotics and find at the end of the day that certain symptoms remain regardless of what weā€™re on.

Thatā€™s really impressive. I hope I figure things out a little faster than i have been

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Iā€™ve got a lot of issues with the illness. Itā€™s terrible.
But they go and take away your physicality and your manhood, when we have to take meds like these.
I donā€™t think I would consider myself recovered if I had to take Latuda for the rest of my life, which I might.

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I think if i didnā€™t have my meds i would always be hospitalized or homeless.

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Iā€™m not about to stop taking my meds but they do a number on me. Tired, lack of focus. School is harder. Sometimes I just blank out on easy stuff at school. I would love to have energy and focus! What a blessing that would be. I am also a real light weight (Iā€™m female) on meds. I tried taking 40mg Latuda and couldnā€™t hack it. It was unbearable. They tried upping my risperidone to 4mg too and I couldnā€™t take it. I can take up to 2mg risperidone. My rx is 1mg to 2mg depending on symptoms. I usually take 1mg unless I am really paranoid or something. I have only been sick a year and a half and it is a little depressing thinking this is it. I better get used to the tiredness and fog. Pixel is right that I need to take ownership of my own recovery but it ainā€™t easy. Those meds make it hard.

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