Reasons to become a marine

They could probably end up in jail or worse…

I was a Marine when I got sick. I had just finished my second combat tour.

One of my theories of all the stuff that made me paranoid when I got sick was the investigation of my top secret security clearance.

I swore I wouldn’t get another one or have a job that required one but I got a job and a new secret security clearance last year.

Didn’t get paranoid again though.

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I never got more than halfway through full metal jacket. Always lose interest when they shift to the field.

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This is a sad story. I often keep this to myself and don’t like talking about it because I’m paranoid and fearful. But it’s a delusion and was in my past lives, probably billions of lifetimes ago. I want to get over it.

I don’t know how many past lives I’ve had. Could be thousands or it could be millions or billions. I don’t know why or how it works. I can only guess, which I often do and it worsens my schizophrenia and delusions. I need to ignore it, compartmentalize it, and move on, apparently.

I believe in a parallel universe in 2015, I tried joining the military. I think it was the army. I think I died many times. I was tortured and/or murdered. It’s a touchy subject. I guess I wanted to serve my country. I was in the mental hospital at the time. My psychiatrist prescribed me adderall. But maybe in a past life I took it and went insane…but not in the past thousands of lives. She says she prescribed it to me and I took it, but I highly doubt taking it. I would have went insane, but I didn’t. I kept my cool.

I remember asking the med nurse for adderall but was denied it. 2015 was my worst year ever. I was in the mental hospital with people in the military suffering from PTSD and other issues. I was scared. I thought they were going to kill me.

I thought about asking to join the military but didn’t…thank God. I stayed cleared from them and tried to protect myself. In my other past lives (thousands of lifetimes ago) I really tried serving my country and wanted to join the military and would do anything to do so. But I’m over it. I’ve moved on. I don’t care anymore. I don’t want to join. I want to be left alone.

I believe this was part of my hell like existence I had thousands or times. I still remember and suffer. The drugs opened a door that never shut. It was worse than hell and purgatory. It might have been karma or something created by God or ETs. I sometimes think I was in a computer program. It was back to back. Was it the Ebens/greys? I remember my family being murdered…I still remember them, despite it being in a different quantum universe. I remember being taken/kidnapped from the mental hospital by military men, CIA, and the drug addict patients there. I was tortured and killed. Not sure why…

Maybe I joined, maybe I didn’t. I’m not sure and don’t really want to talk about it. I have some strange memories. I don’t care anymore.

I’m sort of pissed off because I remember on TV or the TV screen several times (several lifetimes) Obama telling me on TV (I was in an unknown place) that he put me in a time loop for eternity or at least a hundred lifetimes of immense suffering. I’m not sure how they can do this. How can they put someone in a time loop? It sounds impossible. It also sounds highly immoral and unethical. How cant they affect your other lives or future lives? It’s ■■■■■■ up…

2016 was also a bad run for a few hundred lifetimes (maybe a few hundred lifetimes ago) when Trump lost, unfortunately to Hillary Clinton or something. I’m not sure. I could be wrong. But thank God Trump keeps winning in the multiverse/simulation.

Basically, I’m stuck living my life over and over again starting around the time of my illness. I keep getting schizophrenia and I keep suffering. Maybe this life will be different and or better. I hope so.

I thank God Trump won and is president. I’m not being political here.

I have several other bizarre and strange experiences and stories. I could almost write a book if it wasn’t so disorganized.

I feel like I have the right to talk because I suffered so much. People shouldn’t remember this ■■■■. It’s traumatizing.

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I don’t have any memories of past lives.


Thank God. You’re a cool guy. I feel scared and embarrassed sharing my stories. But at least they are delusions.

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I don’t understand how you are telling the difference between what you identify as a hallucination and what you identify as a ‘past life memory.’ How can you claim to be in a loop when time is advancing normally in the world outside your body?

Who is president rarely affects anybody outside of news junkies. I wouldn’t worry about it. Hell, I’m unhappy with election results half the time.

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I guess I’m saying what I think was real or remember is a delusion. I don’t hallucinate. I believed in past lives despite no evidence. Maybe past lives don’t exist. Maybe amyloban 3399 is clearing my head and lessening the grip of delusions.

I’m not sure how time travel works. Maybe it’s not real…but a delusion.

I’m not into politics at all.

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You should email a Buddhist monk about your past lives. Maybe they will help you move on from them or see them in a different view.

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Maybe. I thought about doing past life regression or hypnosis, but I was told I shouldn’t do that by therapists. They said I need to move on, compartmentalize and stuff.

I’m not really religious anymore. I tried being a Christian and it just made me more miserable, unfortunately. I guess I believe in a higher power but that’s about it.

I used to look up Buddhism and Hindu stuff, but not anymore. It can be triggering.

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Sorry man. :muscle::exploding_head::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

Semper Fi. Huu Rah.

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I hope you don’t crave jelly donuts too much.

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