Really thankful

For this community. Glad I joined and have semi gotten to know some of you. I haven’t been on here long, but glad to be here!
I am also thankful for my parents and husband.
What are you thankful for? If you feel like sharing…


I am thankful for the moderators of this forum for keeping it safe, clean and organized. I am thankful to the members who share their life and their journey. I am thankful for my family for giving me purpose. I am thankful for my doctors for keeping me sane.


Yes big thanks to the moderators! And the psych doctors as well! Well said @Leaf


I’m thankful for this forum and my dad.


im thankful for this community as well,lovely people like you and everyone else.this website is helpful to all of us positive energy and keeps us sane.


I think @Ninjastar is great. Moderator.


I am thankful for the fact that I have motivation!!!

I remember a time when I could not do anything due to loss of motivation on 15 mg abilify and obese life seemed a shell… :sweat:


Glad you have motivation now!! You still on the same dosage of abilify? @anon90843118

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Nah… Not 15mg it was lowered… Thanks gawds

How long have you been on abilify now?

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Hmmm… a year in November or December I believe… I’m on 20mg, I’m too afraid to lower it lol
How long have you been on abilify?

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I went back on abilify in December 2018… :))

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Are you planning on staying on it for life? If you don’t mind me asking

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What other aps have you tried?
The only other one I’ve been on is invega, it wasn’t too bad but the side effects were worse than abilify.

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I’m not sure… I’ve debated on going back to invega but like I said the side effects were worse

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I’m thankful for my family for loving me, all my friends on here, my handsome kitty, and my friends who call me to chat or check up on me. :slight_smile: :heart:


I’ve not tried any of the other aps.
Yes only stay on a dose that you feel comfortable with.

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Do you think you’ll stay on abilify forever? It seems to be working great for you! @Butterflyy

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:smiley: it’s great you have friends that check up on you!! @Montezuma


I want to try to come off it at some point it’s a risk I’m willing to take for the sake of my hair on my head lol and cos I worry about what abilify might be doing internally long term.

Why would u consider going back to invega?

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Ah, I feel like invega was better at controlling my positive symptoms. Abilify does pretty good but I still have breakthrough symptoms sometimes @anon90843118

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