Quitting cold turkey

My pdoc took me off 400mg seroquel without any adjustment period. I’m still taking 300mg but at some point next week i will go to 200 then 100 then nothing.

My question is, have you ever come off a med cold turkey?

Was it a disaster?

I tapered seroquel down myself at times when things are good. Usually the summer it’s nice out. But then it goes bad again. It’s an endless cycle.

I did quit zyprexa cold turkey after I gained 50 pounds in a month. :poop:On that.

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There are meds that are safe to stop cold turkey (with pdoc approval) and meds that are not safe to stop cold turkey.

I’ve stopped (cold turkey) Depakote, Cogentin, and Prozac. Also, I’ve stopped several anti-psychotics cold turkey (but each time they were replaced by another anti-psychotic).

Are you replacing the Seroquel with another anti-psychotic or not?


I wouldn’t be able to stop Seroquel unless I had something to prevent nausea or stomach pains. I imagine if I stopped taking daily Seroquel, I would experience these things for at least a week.

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Yeah, I’m replacing it with latuda.


I quit eating cold turkey, too. Meat is cruel and nasty… :turkey:

I quit a few meds in my lifetime, that way. The withdrawls were unbearable, but I pushed through.
My life is better and my mind is clear, again. So I think it was worth the pain.


I recently stopped seroquel and invega cold turkey. I’m back on a baby dose of invega to buld it back up in my system, 3mg morning and afternoon. I felt really dizzy constantly when I stopped meds. I’ve also lost my appetite.

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I get dizzy too if I stop my meds. Hate it - really unpleasant.


Wait but it’s not cold turkey if you’re gradually lowering doses like that right?

And yeah most of the time coming off meds cold turkey was a disaster. There’s not a single med I didn’t stop cold turkey. Abilify dropping sent me into a severe depressive episode and I had to do a hospitalization program and drop classes bc of it, risperdal dropping caused a spike in psychosis that then caused me to fail the classes I took after recovering from the depressive episode…dropping latuda I don’t think really did anything because I didn’t stay on it that long…dropping trazodone and Ativan gave me a solid two weeks of severe not-sleep-at-all insomnia but nothing else…dropping Zoloft had no immediate effects.
Generally it’s just not a good idea lol.


I’m sort of conducting a really fast taper, from 4000 to 0 at the end of the week. So its like cold turkey but maybe not exactly. It’s encouraging to hear that so many have quit meds cold turkey, maybe I won’t have an adverse reaction to it? Hopefully.

Physical pains are better than full blown psychosis in my experience.

For me the worst part about stop taking seroquel was the inability to sleep and then surviving on 4 hours sleep when i was used to like 12 if you can do it, you can always take them again if you can’t manage good luck!

I’m on XR, maybe the insomnia wil be less because of that. If worst comes to worst I have abundant melatonin and trazodone. Sometimes I take both of them because XR doesn’t sedate me.

I think they say it sort of takes time but you can do it im sure .