Quitting Cigarettes

Is posting repetetly your selfie anoying to anyone or it’s all the member could contribute to this site…?

I guess it depends on what is going on. Some members never leave the selfie thread.

Jfc I thought $10/pack was bad.

i switched to vaping last friday. Had a rough time for one day but now i’m good on just vaping.


Im gonna try and quit tomorrow, i still have some sigarettes left. Ill smoke those and then ill be done


You can do it fractaled.
Honestly, switching to vape is much better for you in comparison.
I really wish vaping had been a thing when I smoked. I dont think Id have spent anywhere near as much money on cigs or done as much damage to my lungs either.

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This is encouraging af, thank you.


Good luck! We got this.

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Fck, me too. It’d have saved me so much money over the last 18 years. I don’t even want to know how much money I’ve wasted on them in that time.

One thing that helped me quit is to cut down. Its not an all or nothing thing. If you dont stop 100% but do smoke less % thats still better than no improvment.
I started counting how many a day I would have and each week try to have a few less.

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I’m cutting back the count I have by day. Since I have little to no funds, this is my only option.

I’m down to five a day now. Still have two packs left. I’m doing better than I thought I would. Even woke up and forced myself to vape first, and was fine.

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yea just gotta push through the hard moment but it passes soon. I hope you can make the switch too =)


I quit them once. The mistake I made was that I thought I could smoke one or two, and get the pleasure without getting addicted to them. Now I smoke two packs a day, I used to smoke a pack before.


Yes. I quit at the end of January. So 4 1/2 months now.


Wow, great for you…
Do you still need oxigen?
I’m asking bc sometimes bc of asthma can’t really breathe…

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