Psychosis art


I love your pics catch !!!


Awhhh im glad:) thank you wallafish haha. Is that an actual type of fish? Or just a made up name? Kept meaning to ask hahaha


I’m taking this art class right now I can tell you those first two will one day sell for 100 million dollars and be hung in a museum.

I can also say that about a lot of people’s art here.

After I saw “untitled 1960” sold for 50 million I believe it’s true…

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I wish they’d sell for even twenty bucks rn hahahaha i could use it

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That is insane!!! I don’t understand art i guess hahaha

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When people asked he said “the blocks represent…my feelings”.

And everyone was like Wow Brilliant!!!


Hilarious hahahaha
I feel slightly bitter also hahaha.
People are dumb. Art really can be anything though it’s just a matter of confidence and pretentiousness

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Yeah like I don’t get why people make certain art. You are definitely expressing yourself in a cathartic way. But what’s cathartic about like crazy art displays when they build a whole big thing. Not even a sculpture or monument but rather just set up some weird stuff and call it art. Maybe that’s a bad example but it seems the worst art is just in it for money or fame. It probably doesn’t matter which genre of art. That’s across the board.

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Saw this thing the other day, some guy accidentally left a pair of glasses in an art gallery and everyone thought it was an exhibit and took pictures, gathered around:’) amuses me immensely.


Haha na its just a made up name. Walla is close to my real name lol

The add on fish is just random :alien:

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So good! @Catch22

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Thank you wave:)))

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Are you named Walter?hahah

No lols.

It starts with a W and ends with an E :slight_smile:

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Wiiiilllllliiiieeee. My bro,


Your stuff is always so incredibly stylish I love it. These in particular are super dark and eerie. I saw the thread about your room and I thought it was super cool that these were hanging on the wall, like looking back at you. Reminds me of my psychotic episodes for sure

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Thank you a lot haha. Yeah. I take them down when im feeling better usually. They’re only up when im in the midst of psychosis. Sometimes the whole wall is just covered in them

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Wall E ? hahahahaha