Proud of myself

I took a quick shower (not my hair) even though I REALLY didn’t want to


Great job!!! I bet you feel :grin:


@AKendrick a little I wish I had a bathtub mom had that taken out because my stepdad (he passed in 2020) he was sick for a really long time and couldn’t get in the tub anymore. I can’t complain because I’ve had foot problems as most y’all know it was easy to use but a nice bath sounds really nice. My husband and I have vacation plans coming up so I’ll get a bubble bath then but it’s in September… Sigh I’ll get it though it feels so far away

Ooh, a hot bubble bath sounds divine! I wish i had a bathtub, but i only have a shower, too…


It will be here before you know it lol make sure you buy a rubber ducky to go in the tub with you guys :sweat_smile:

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@WhiteRaven we’ll be there 2 nights one night bubble bath one night bath bomb sooo excited!!

@AKendrick I’m excited IDK about the rubber ducky lol


Good, good. I’m happy for you.
Now I shower twice a week.
It’s nice feeling

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