Preprint of the worldwide ENIGMA study: Connectome architecture shapes large-scale cortical reorganization in schizophrenia

# Connectome architecture shapes large-scale cortical reorganization in schizophrenia: a worldwide ENIGMA study

Objective Schizophrenia is associated with widespread brain-morphological alterations, believed to be shaped by the underlying connectome architecture. This study tests whether large-scale structural reorganization in schizophrenia relates to normative network architecture, in particular regional centrality/hubness and connectivity patterns. We examine network effects in schizophrenia across different disease stages, and transdiagnostically explore consistency of such relationships in patients with bipolar and major depressive disorder.

Methods We studied anatomical MRI scans from 2,439 adults with schizophrenia and 2,867 healthy controls from 26 ENIGMA sites. Case-control patterns of structural alterations were evaluated against two network susceptibility models: 1) hub vulnerability, which examines associations between regional network centrality and magnitude of disease-related alterations; 2) epicenter models, which identify regions whose typical connectivity profile most closely resembles the disease-related morphological alteration patterns. Both susceptibility models were tested across schizophrenia disease stages and compared to meta-analytic bipolar and major depressive disorder case-control maps.

Results In schizophrenia, regional gray matter reductions co-localized with interconnected hubs, in both the functional (r=0.58, pspin<0.0001) and structural connectome (r=0.32, pspin=0.01). Epicenters were identified in temporo-paralimbic regions, extending to frontal areas. We found unique epicenters for first-episode and early stages, and a shift from occipital to temporal-frontal epicenters in chronic stages. Transdiagnostic comparisons revealed shared epicenters in schizophrenia and bipolar, but not major depressive disorders.

Conclusions Cortical reorganization over the course of schizophrenia closely reflects brain network architecture, emphasizing marked hub susceptibility and temporo-frontal epicenters. The observed overlapping epicenters for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder furthermore suggest shared pathophysiological processes within the schizophrenia-bipolar-spectrum.