Post a brillant pic

@Jonnybegood i av no internet cell pone anymore

d last selfie was 6 years ao lol

I didn’t like d modern pones

I use an old pone since tan

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You would probably enjoy them for the camera and for listening to music. That’s 90% of what I use mine for.


I will ave to buy one aain for te reason you mentioned tere, my favourite music i enjoy most

remember te ‘‘walkman’’ cassette music player lol, still a brilliant macine


It’s really pleasant if you have a good set of bluetooth headphones to go with your mobile device. Very rich sound. Also good for me with my hearing impairment.

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am not up 2 date wit d modern devises but I can learn about tem sometime

Bluetooth is the name for a specific type of short range communication for personal devices. Headphones, speakers, keyboards, mice, etc. It’s the reason many new phones come without a headphone jack – you can get high quality wireless headphones and ear buds compatible with practically any device for cheap. Every smartphone on the market supports this standard now.

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Tanks for d elpful info tere, i will buy one wen i ave a few pound

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Doing my best impression of something I forgot in a dream


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Overhead drone shot of trees in the park across the way from me. Not a brilliant pic, but notable as it’s my first attempt at this type of image.

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