Did you take this? It’s gorgeous.
Yes, there is a family of them by Kinsmen Lake here in town. They’re a bit controversial as one of them carried off someone’s rat-sized dog they were walking by the lake in the past week or so.
I love it. Simply beautiful. Love owls, cause my mom used to read a book about owls to me as a kid.
Dude now im just hungry
I took this Wednesday, just after work. Lost my footing on those rocks you see on the right bank and tumbled into the drink. Phone still works luckily (it’s what I used for this picture).
I’m glad you are okay from the fall.
Landed on my head so no damage done.
Wicked i love dark clouds! My fave is dark stormy cloud with blue sky contrasting
Niiiice those are awesome photos!
I almost made a 3 meat pizza earlier but changed my mind for a toasted bagel with cream cheese lol