Poll: Which anti-psychotic have you found to be the most effective for you?

  • Risperdal
  • Zyprexa
  • Seroquel
  • Geodon
  • Abilify
  • Thorazine
  • Haldol
  • Clozaril
  • Invega
  • Latuda
  • Other

I’ve read on here that I’m not the only one on 2 AP’s.

The Seroquel helps slow my mind and keeps me from jumping out of my skin… it has in the past. But alone… I needed such a high dose I was numb and motionless for a while.

The Seroquel was cut back and the Latuda was added and that has lifted my mood, given me some energy and helped me get my life back.

I need both.

zyprexa and seroquel both

i am also on two (haldol and zyprexa) and they do different things, treat different groups of symptoms, so it’s impossible for me to select only one. it’s my best combination for now. but who can say how long it will work? unknown.

i haven’t always needed two though. before i had disorganized symptoms as badly (the formal thought disorder in particular) typical antipsychotics always worked best for treating my hallucinations/delusions. they still do. but i used to be able to only take one. stelazine and loxapine were both good solo once upon a time. actually, though it’s an atypical, risperdal was good solo, too, for a bit, but i discontinued and had to restart at a higher dosage and got some unfortunate side effects. then again, for a time i was on three. that was miserable though.

overall i prefer typicals to atypicals. and clozaril sucked horribly for me.

I’m in the same boat with you there… wow that’s a ride I don’t want to take again… Wipe out.

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Currently on :

prazosin ( for nightmares)
and trazodone

used to be a lot more…

I’m currently on Abilify, Zoloft, and Trazodone, and they seem to be doing really well! I’m bored easily now, but my mood is fantastic and my energy level is through the roof! As far as its function as an AP, Abilify does well enough, it keeps the scary stuff away, or at least so far it seems to, but the Risperdal definitely did more for that. I’d say it’s worth it, though, because I’m not a zombie any more. Abilify gets my vote, because of its overall performance.


I’m using another antipsychotic at the moment which is not on the list - amisulpride. It works well for me in a moderately high dose (600mg), keeps the voices and agitation at bay and although my motivation is still not all that great, I feel less depressed and empty and dead. Risperdal was also a good med I was on before.
As for the worst - I got to agree with a few other guys on here - Clozapine sucked big time!

none. i’ve been on high doses of many anti psychotics and still had delusions and been on low doses and had no delusions so they don’t really work for me at all tbh. i stay on them to please my parents but i don’t believe i need them. xxx

Geodon did some things for me no other drug has done.

Rowan, do you feel loss of appetite? Adderall works on the dopamine levels and causes loss of appetite I wonder if Abilify being a dopamine agonist if it does a similar thing

I have actually noticed a loss of appetite, and I get full faster. Though I have been dieting, so it’s also possible my stomach has shrunk.

Saphris - it’s new, but with me it works, very very well.

In my experience Risperidone worked best in controlling voices and delusions, then Amsulpride comes second. I don’t know about olanzapine as I took it long ago and I had not done experiment on it. But Seqoquel and Geodon seemed weak in my case. So I voted Risperidone.

Abilify! I wish I could continue taking it :frowning:

Not greatly impressed with any of them but on clozapine I’m more balanced and I’m settled now on it for almost 10 years

I’ve been on Saphris for 9 months. My pdoc recently told me I’m 90% recovered. So its helping, I’ve been voice free for 8 months with little side effects compared to other APs.

I cant tell much, i started on risperdone and i am still on it, i have never tried any other bur thinking of switching once i become psychotic again.
I am on very low doze.

I’ve only tried Abilify, Haldol, Risperdal, and Latuda. I really like Risperdal except for the weight gain.

Seroquel and Latuda! Great combination.:strawberry: