Politically Correct

Examples of being PC:

All races are equal.

All races are equal until someone becomes champion.

explain please.

I was only joking.

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Any Europeans out there?

They tend to show up around 1 am.

1 am in what time zone?

The normal time zone :octopus:

@animalchin and I are both in Central. They tend to show up around 2 am for you :smile_cat:

@Rhubot, we are in Alabama time. Says the the South. :wink:

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“Normal” Time Zone? Am I getting a hint of un Politically Correct Octopus?


What, you offended or something? :octopus::octopus::octopus:

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I think PC dovetails into American Exceptionalism in a way.

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As for objecting to the unsavory speech of others: Are we so weak in our beliefs that hearing a little poorly considered speech will make us fascists? People have a first amendment right to say what is on their minds. If they say something stupid or bigoted they deserve to be ridiculed but not censored. When we censor people we are saying we’re afraid that what they say will change our minds. When I hear the term “politically correct” I think of a strident, self righteous person who is vehemently intolerant of conservative ideas - people who are more intolerant of viewpoints that differ from their own than any right winger is, and who have absolutely no sense of humor about politics. I agree in theory with many politically correct ideas, but I often object to their practices. I’ve seen many places in the world where the ideas of the politically correct have caused a catastrophe. I once heard a woman say, “I don’t believe in violence, and anybody who does ought to be shot down like a dirty dog.” God save us from that kind of pacifism.

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I am very PC. I always consider the feelings of any dwarves I’m tossing.



Hence the beauty of the ol USA.



You should hear the pretty un-pc rant this topic elicited from my roommate :smile_cat:

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I don’t quite understand what you mean. That PC funnels things into something that can be used for making American"s Exceptionalism more varied cases?

Perfect. I think a lot of people mistake being ridiculed with being censored. There is very very little censorship out there, so people think that being called out on their nonsense is the same thing or just as bad.

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■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■ ■■■■. THAT’S censorship - and rightfully so.