Podcast: What is ‘Schizoposting’ and Why it’s Dangerous


I wonder if “schizoposting” is the same as shtposting. :thinking:

Lol I literally thought you where talking about the forum members :sweat_smile:

And the internet www was feed with all irregular data and the AI is getting confused as AI’s are referenced our data and some sings of sz is also seen in AI LOL.

what all possibilities :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Wish I had a profession :wink:

I could have made up so many theories and given it to the in-turns for proving them :joy::rofl:

I remember reading about this years ago, it’s interesting

Doesn’t seem like a new trend, bad things happen and people take advantage of the times.

Propaganda poster, age-maturity advised.

“schizoposting because it’s believed to have come from somebody with schizophrenia?”

It’s bad for us…

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