Personal breakthrough: Schizophrenia As Body's Immune Mechanism

It is the conscience that trap us all of schizophrenics inside the head. Unless we go and fix our inner being, we would be prohibited to do as normal person does.

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Sorry, I should put it under Unusual Belief category. Once in a day, such silly idea keep popping up which I thought was a good idea to share. :thought_balloon:

You know I actually believe this.

I also suffer from mental self harm as you mentioned before. I don’t think God wants us to be this way in terms of conscience. =( It’s really hard to fix the conscience. I’m trying to fix it now. =(

What do you think about this?

I was in different mood when I posted this, and now am in different mood trying to make a reply. :hushed:

Thank you for believing this, I hope I did not mislead you.

Really, what I think that we supposedly to act according to conscience is to become the person we wanted to be. No double-hearted. We may want to become the person who we are but at the same time our words and actions may reflect that of what other persons want us to be.

I think that is why we keep condemning ourselves for doing things that we do not want to.

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