Penises could be getting smaller because of pollution - yes, really


More rando puke from an RSS feed. I don’t know why dongs are such a hot topic on here. Just sayin…

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I’m not one of those that posts about how APs have shrunk it. That’s just nonsense. The link is far more serious minded than that. If the thread results in a load of ‘My penis has shrunk 3 inches because of x antipsychotic’ replies. Then it can be locked as far I’m concerned.


I saw this headline (it also included lower sperm count) and I was chagrined to say the least.

But I don’t have what it takes to read the full article at the moment. How bad is it?

It appears to be quite serious from what the female researcher is saying. The Twitter replies to the research are somewhat less than highbrowed.

She believes that her work means most men won’t be able to produce fertile sperm by 2045.


Are you sure it’s not that women’s penis size expectations have dramatically bulged in recent years? Or perhaps that with increased gender fluidity we’re experiencing an epidemic of penis envy? These are, no doubt, reasonable questions.


Not related but when i was a kid i could hold my breath underwater for over 2 minutes. When i got older and moved to a trucker/manufacturing town it went down to like 1 min 30 sec. Oh well.

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So that’s the excuse every guy will now use when he undresses for the first time in front of his girlfriend.

“Please stop laughing! I GREW UP IN A POLLUTED NEIGHBORHOOD!!!”


Lol that’s funny…, Patrick

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Somehow, i don’t care about the size of penises. Pollution is bad, they found microplastics in drinking water. I don’t know if this is true.

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Yea I heard about this too. The world is dying slowly :pensive:


and then I heard on NPR, you think you’re recycling all your plastic,
but actually its a low percentage
because the centers aren’t fit to handle it
or process it.
wish some 5th grader would invent something,
solve the problem with this.


It’s amazing how those deep sea divers can hold their breath for minutes and minutes.

If penis sizes are decreasing then Saturday Night Live must be getting worse and worse.


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A penis can be soft, small and curly, and then all of a sudden it grows and the texture is very different?

Invega sustenna is pollution?

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Usually it hardens and grows real long sometimes white stuff comes out but mostly yellow stuff


Well, I must’ve grown up in a goddamn antiseptic tank.


Perhaps a simpler explanation might suffice: Could there be a link between Penis Shrinkage Disorder and the rise of incest porn?

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This thread has become gross. Penises are serious business, and you’ve turned into a big floppy cock and bull show.

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That’s the most positive penis post I’ve seen here.

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