Yeah, i got a little overwhelmed today, i’ve taken on too much and so i had to cancel my stint at the cafe tomorrow and my mum said she got a bit mixed up and didnt need me to take her out today, so i’m taking it easy but idk what to do with myself now lol, my breathing is a bit weird though
First it’s too much, then it’s too little. Oh well I would rather be bored than overwhelmed.
I’ve been feeling overwhelmed ever since my puppy arrived home with me!
Non stop stress!
My fathers ailing health is also a factor.
Its hard taking care of a family member, My mum has a lot of support but i still feel like i am asked to do a lot and it is stressful, luckily mum cancelled today as she got some dates mixed up but i ended up going into my clubhouse anyway, ((the clubhouse is like a safe haven for me) but i still find myself asking if i should have just stayed home and chilled.
@Leaf i think getting a healthy balance is key but too much or too little seems to cause me stress/anxiety, i am trying to be extremely careful but its like a balancing act on a shaky bridge lol.
You know, a dog is suppose to HELP with stress and anxiety
lol yeah so true!
But I don’t know if it applies to puppies.
Maybe only to housetrained dogs.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing…maybe just give her time to grow up and it will be more stress reducing than stress causing. Puppies can be a handful.
Yes plus she has a stubborn bladder infection that is difficult to treat.
She pees like 6 times within an hour!
Wow, that’s a lot. Would make house training difficult.
Yes housebreaking her is nearly impossible right now.
Thanks @Bowens
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