I’m what you can consider one of the few lucky ones.
I was raised by both of my parents. While many grow up with only one (be it because of heartbreak/money, etc), I was fortunate enough to have both mom and dad by my side, and I still do.
In my 30 some odd years on this planet, I’ve noticed a pattern if you will on how I was raised.
As a young child, mom was more loving and protective of me and dad was more disciplined. As I continued to grow, that kinda switched. Dad began to show his loving side, and mom began to show her tough side.
But now, almost being 29, I’ve noticed that both my parents are fluctuating in their ‘roles’ as parents, meaning they both show their loving/tough sides. Its helping me grow as a person and I hope its bringing some type of comfort into their lives.
Thanks for reading.